Time: 08.30 – 10.30 on Thursday 11 December 2003
Place: Rooms 6 & 7, Enterprise Ireland, Merrion Hall, Strand Rd., Sandymount, Dublin 4
Speaker: Dr Richard Reilly, Department of Electronic Engineering UCD

From Brain Signals to Shoeprints: applying audio, video and biomedical signal processing for opportunities in digital media and m-commerce

The final event in a series organised by Enterprise Ireland.

Multimodal interfaces represent an emerging interdisciplinary research direction, involving spoken language understanding, natural language understanding, image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition and experimental psychology. Research into multimodal interfaces aims at efficient, convenient and natural interaction between computers and human users.

This talk will overview what is multimodal interaction is about? Why is it important and what are the issues facing its development? Examples of the use of multimodal interaction in health monitoring and diagnosis, speech recognition and the area of biometrics will be covered.

Dr Richard Reilly is currently Guest Editor of the EURASIP Journal of Applied Signal Processing, responsible for multimedia human computer interfaces and Assistant Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia also responsible for Multimodal signal processing.
