This is a Call for Papers (CFP) for a Symposium on Game-Based Learning (GBL) which will be organised at Waterford Institute of Technology on 19th -20th May 2011.

The purpose of this symposium is to:
– Report on the use of GBL in Irish primary, secondary and third-level education
– Define the roadmap for GBL in Ireland
– Provide evidence of the effectiveness of GBL to both motivate and learn
– Identify how GBL can be included and facilitated in Irish instructional settings.

Target Audience
This symposium will bring together teachers, lecturers, students and researchers, and provide insights from different perspectives such as educational psychology, sociology, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Artificial Intelligence, Game Design, or Instructional Design. It will also be a great opportunity to network and share ideas with other researchers and

Topics for the Presentations
Recommended topics include (but are not limited to):

– Instructional design and video games:
* Theoretical models and empirical evidence
* Instructional design and game design
* Intelligent Tutoring Systems and GBL
* Adaptive games design
* Accounting for disabilities in educational games
* Engaging students with learning difficulties

– Educational game design:
* Theoretical models and empirical evidence
* Design patterns
* Theoretical frameworks

– Psychological aspects of educational games:
* Theoretical models and empirical evidence
* HCI and Interaction design in video games
* Motivation
* Emotions and personality
* Learning styles
* Sound, motivation and the cognitive process in video games
* Video games and sociology

– Teaching strategies:
* Guidelines and successful experiences
* Conditions for successful integration of digital games in the classroom
* Integrating educational games with Learning Management Systems (LMS)
* The role of instructors (e.g., teaching strategies)
* Barriers and possible solutions for the introduction of educational games

– Emergent media for GBL:
* Mobile GBL
* Virtual worlds
* Augmented Reality (AR)

Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit, on or before March 10th 2011, a 300-400 words abstract for review to

The abstract should clearly explain how the presentation will meet the objectives of the symposium. Authors will be notified of the status of their proposal by March 15th 2011.

Important Dates
– March 10th 2011: Abstract submission deadline
– March 15th 2011: Notification of acceptance
– April 15th 2011: Registration deadline
– May 19th – 20th: Symposium

Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded to:

Dr. Patrick Felicia
Department of Computing, Maths and Physics
Waterford Institute of Technology,
Waterford, Ireland.
Mobile: +353 86 083 51 04
E-mail: pfelicia [at] wit [dot]ie