Category Archives: Uncategorized

Irish Games Award

The 2009 Digital Media awards has a ‘best in gaming’ category this year. This category is open to all involved in the gaming industry. Entries will be judged on the following criteria 1. Content – creativity and innovation 20% 2. Technology – creativity and innovation 30% 3. Graphics and design[...]

Igda Scholarships Announced

The International Game Developers Association has just launched the Student Scholarship Program for the 2009 Game Developers Conference. Twenty-five university students will be awarded complimentary “Main Conference” passes to the 2009 GDC. The deadline to enter is Thursday, January 15th, 2009. Recipients will be announced mid February. Applicants are required[...]

Ifb Funding Animated Shorts

Sorry this is maybe a bit late for this year but it looks like an annual scheme so it might be worth keeping an eye on. Aphra. ****************** The deadline for the Irish Film Board’s Virtual Cinema scheme is approaching. Applications for the scheme should be submitted online at[...]

Play And Agency Roundtable

Alas, Are We Still Bad Players? On Play and Agency in Contemporary Culture fifth speaking matters event: wednesday 3/12/08 17:30 – 20:30 This round-table event taking place at the National College of Art and Design on the early evening of Wednesday December 3rd provides an opportunity to reflect on the[...]

Atari And Ireland

The country has a longer history in the video games industry than most believe, and this feature highlights one of the country’s biggest success stories. It does not take place in Dublin, but in 1970's rural Tipperary.

Conference Calls

The following game conferences have open calls for papers, panels and other work by academics and industry. SIGGRAPH 2009 – ACM Sandbox Symposium The ACM Sandbox Symposium has explored the expressive nature of videogames since SIGGRAPH 2006. The relationships among game-design practices, technologies, player experiences, and the intellectual challenges that[...]

Irish Internat Assoc Event

USER EXPERIENCE CONFERENCE: Brand Building, Profitability and Customer Loyalty Through Better User Experience The IIA User Experience Working Group present their annual conference on the theme of “Brand building, profitability and customer loyalty through better User Experience”. Hear from speakers including Martha Rother, Microsoft, Donal Rice, Centre for Excellence in[...]

Digra 09 Call For Papers

Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory (edit) This time it is only across the pond so to speak so no excuse! (edit) Brunel University, West London, United Kingdom, Tuesday 1st September — Friday 4th September 2009 The South of Britain Consortium are pleased to announce the[...]

Goa Announce 400 Jobs

In a significant announcement that made prime time television news on Irish terrestrial television Goa has announced it is to create 400 jobs in Dublin wih the support of the IDA. Goa Games Services Ltd. is the online games division of French telecommunications company Orange and is owned by France[...]

Third Annual Game Design Workshops

Ernest is back! The School of Computing in DIT has announced that the third annual one day workshops on computer game design for second level students will take place on Saturday 22th November and Saturday 6th December. The workshops which are sponsored by the DIT, The Irish Computer Society and[...]

Games Fleadh 09 Update

Phil Bourke is busy planning another year of events for secondary school and third level students. He has provided the following information to update us on planning for 09 events in Tipperary Institute. ***************** Key dates are as follows; 11th March 2009; Games Fleadh – GamesPro presentations in games design,[...]

Win Access Keys For Cod Beta

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Xbox360 Multipayer Beta of Call of Duty: World at War today. Demonware, who are based in Dublin, Ireland, worked closely with Treyarch throughout the development of Call of Duty: World at War, extensively overhauling the COD 4 networking layer and developing[...]

London Games Fest

If you are considering entering the games industry, wondering what games students are up to, want to see the Christmas releases and want to find out more about future business models and governance and legislation there is probably something for you at the London Games Festival which this year takes[...]

Dare Teams Update

The winners of the 2008 Dare to be Digital computer games design competition were announced at an awards ceremony in Edinburgh in August. Two teams from Ireland competed this year. While they did not win any prizes it looks like it was a fantastic experience for them. Organised and promoted[...]

New Company On The Block – Bsi Entertainment Ltd.

I was contacted recently by someone who was interested in getting to know more about the games industry in Ireland. The person in question was Russell Murphy and the company, BSI Entertainment Ltd. Why were they contacting Well, their business is matchmaking rights owners and sponsors to entertainment producers.[...]

Tweak Festival Limerick

Tweak is an interactive digital art festival happening in Limerick from the 22nd to the 27th of September (next week). The University of Limerick) are hosting a number of free workshops (topics include hacking, circuit bending, digital art, prototyping, and robotics) and there are still some spaces left. The workshops[...]

Eu Funding For Game Dev

If you are a games company with a successful game project under your belt you may be interested in the latest call from the EU’s Media programme which will part fund interactive works for console, PC and mobile platforms. The call for projects was made this month in the European[...]

Serious Games Call For Entries

This should be of interest to some. **************************** The Third Annual I/ITSEC Serious Games Showcase & Challenge Call for Serious Games Entries Dec 1-4, 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA Due to an overwhelming number of requests, the Serious Games Showcase & Challenge is pleased to announce that the deadline for submission[...]

Havok And Intel Competition

As mentioned on the boards, Havok and Intel are sponsoring a game physics competition to see what you can do with their tech in a game demo. There are two categories and two deadlines; one in November and one in January 08. In category one, one of the prizes has[...]

Women In Games (Europe)

Registration is open for the annual Women in Games conference which this year will take place in Warwick in the UK in a joint initiative between Warwick University and Rare. For info on speakers etc see Notes Aims of Women in Games 1. Give a voice to women in[...]

Postgrad Games Conf, Brunel.

The 2nd Brunel University Annual Postgraduate Games Conference, 16th September 2008 Keynote Speakers: Peter Molyneux, Lionhead Studios and Barry Atkins, Univesrity of Wales. See The Digital Games : Theory & Design postgraduate conference will be held at at Brunel University in Uxbridge, London on 16/09/2008. The aim of the[...]

Edinburgh Int Festival 08

EIF 2008 will take place from Sunday 10th to Tuesday 12th August, and will this year move to the Edinburgh International Conference Centre. The Dare finalists will be presenting their work as part of this festival so best of luck to them all, esp. the Irish teams. **************** 2008 will[...]

Ndrc Call For Proposals

The National Digital Research Centre at the Digital Exchange has issued a call for expressions of interest from both commercial companies and academics for applied research and development projects in the digital media area. Further information is available at Deadline for expressions is the 15th of August 2008. The[...]

Bit Rabbit News

Michael El Baki, CEO of Bit Rabbit, and winner of the overall person/company of the year award 2008, has informed us that he is moving back to France with his family. While we are sorry to hear he will be a less frequent attendee at our events apparently[...]

Player Experiences And Location Based Games – Cfp

*** WORKSHOP ***Evaluating Player Experiences in Location Aware Games HCI 2008: Culture, Creativity, Interaction 1-5 Sept. 2008, Liverpool, John Moores University, UK Submission Deadline: July 14th, 2008 UPDATE: The authors of the best abstracts may be invited to submit a full paper for inclusion in a special edition of[...]

Edinburgh Interactive Fest – Register Now

This year’s Edinburgh Interactive Festive and finals of the Dare to be Digital competition will take place in the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Sunday 10th August – Tuesday 12th August 2008. This year’s event includes: * Two days of conference, including addresss from 19 Entertainment and Codemasters * Partnership with[...]

I-Hci 2008 Conf – Cork

I-HCI 2008: “Cultures of Interaction” The Second Conference of the Irish HCI Community 19 and 20th September 2008 University College Cork *** Deadline for submissions June 13th 2008 *** HCI researchers, students and practitioners are invited to participate in I-HCI 2008, a two-day conference to be held at University[...]

Women In Games 08 – Cfp

Women in Games Conference University of Warwick, UK 10-12th September 2008 Keynotes announced and Speaker Submission Deadline Extended The Women In Games conference encourages research and seeks to promote careers for women within the games industry. If games are to become a true sibling medium to music and cinema, the[...]

Intro Game Dev Courses At The Digital Hub

The Digital Hub, located on Thomas Street in Dublin, will run a number of introductory digital media courses for youths during June, July & August 2008. The courses include workshops on games and animation, further details on these are below. All courses are held in Digital Exchange, Crane Street, The[...]

Birthday Event Review

Thanks to everyone for turning out in great numbers to the annual birthday event for Over sixty people turned up last Thurs evening to DIT on Kevin Street where we were hosted this year by the School of Computing and in particular a big thank you to Bryan Duggan[...]

Gamedevelopers.Ie Is Five!

Thurs the 8th of May at 6.30pm will see the annual birthday event to celebrate 5 years of This year we are being hosted by the School of Computing at DIT, Kevin Street in Dublin, room K007. To find the venue please search on Signs on the ground[...]

Bit Rabbit Releases New Game

Michael el Baki (aka Bomberman) has just brought our attention to two major pieces of news from his company BitRabbit. Firstly, his company has just released the game Platypus on smartphones and PDAs for Astraware/Handmark. All the porting process from PC was done at BitRabbit, using their own middleware. You[...]

A Perfect Pitch

Tailteann Games combined a passion for Gaelic games with a carefully structured business and development approach in order to create 2007’s unlikely homegrown hit, Bainisteoir – Hurling

Women In Games 08 Call For Papers

Women.createGames();// Women in games design and development University of Warwick, UK. 10th-12th September 2008 Women In Games 2008 will provide a platform for academy and public sector to join with industry figures in a discussion about the current gender in-balance within the games industry. This will be an opportunity to[...]

Gd.Ie Is 5 – Time To Vote

It is hard to believe we are five years live here on but to celebrate we are currently organising the annual birthday. This event will take place on a Friday at the end of April and this year will move to Dublin Institute of Technology. Final details to[...]

Media Call For Projects

Those of us in the general media area will know of the EUs MEDIA programme which aims to support the development and circulation of European media works. This includes interactive works. A call for project ideas has been made and may be worth checking out as a source of funding.[...]

Iia Annual Conference 08

The annual IIA conference should be of interest to some. ********* BEYOND WEBSITES: BUSINESS USES OF SOCIAL NETWORKING AND NEW MEDIA The IIA national Congress will be held on Thursday, 15 May this year in Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin 3. The theme of Congress 2008 is “Beyond Websites: Business[...]

Ddd Ireland Event

The Developer Developer Developer Ireland event is a general IT developer event being held in GMIT in Galway on the 3rd of May. The event is free. Sessions being given by industry experts from the .NET developer community and include ‘WCF in Depth’ and sessions on ADO.NET, programming in C#,[...]

Sandbox 08 Cfp

Sandbox Symposium 08 Call for Participation The third annual ACM SIGGRAPH Sandbox Symposium on videogames calls for papers, panel proposals, and presentations. We are looking for work that describes or illustrates innovative research in videogame theory, practice, and criticism. Video games are a singular technological medium, comparable in cultural impact[...]

Cando Game Design

CanDo interactive are running a training course on game design this coming summer. It is part of a range of short courses in different digital media and other activities. Students will learn the Blender package ( which will be used to create a complex 3D environment, and an interactive game[...]

Perry Gets Recognition

Dave Perry, formerly of Shiny Entertainment, will be awarded a DSc, (Eng) for distinction in computer game development and design by Queens University Belfast (QUB) next summer. David is originally from Belfast, although he resides on the West coast in the US now. He is probably best know for his[...]

Steve Collins Speaks About Havok And Tcd Course

Steve Collins was interviewed on the Sunday Business Show last Sunday the 10th of Feb. To hear the clip see the Today FM site: Go to the second link on the page: Business Show Part 2 Sunday: 10/2/2008 and the interview is at about 20 minutes in. thanks to[...]

Bsc/Beng/Meng Computer Games Design And Development, Qub

BSc/BEng/MEng Computer Games Design and Development Degrees MEng Single Honours MEng Single Honours (Sandwich) Overview Introduced in September 2007, the Computer Games Design and Development BSc/BEng/MEng programme (including an optional placement year) provides students with the necessary programming, content management and architectural design skills in preparation for a development-oriented career[...]

Games: Edu 08 Events

For those interested in games and education these two events in the UK may be of interest. This year GAMES:EDU: is running on two days, in two separate locations. Tuesday 29th April in Manchester alongside GamesGrads and Tuesday 21st July in Brighton preceding the Develop Conference. The content of the[...]

Serious Games Challenge

The Third I/ITSEC Serious Games Showcase & Challenge Call for Serious Games Entries December 1-4, 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA Serious Game developers are invited to submit their original serious game to the Third Annual I/ITSEC Serious Games Showcase & Challenge. Thegoal of the Serious Games Showcase & Challenge is to[...]

Cfp – Iadis Gaming Conf 2008

CALL FOR PAPERS – Deadline for submissions: 25 February 2008 IADIS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE GAMING 2008: DESIGN FOR ENGAGING EXPERIENCE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25 to 27 July 2008 ( part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2008) Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 22 to[...]

O’neill Moves To Namco Bandai

Following on from the current feature on we have found out that Barry O’Neill has become President / COO at Namco Bandai Networks Europe. He will be based in London. More details on this move soon. Barry O’Neill has previously worked as COO at Sun 3C Media, CEO at[...]

Xna Challenge And Robocode Deadlines

Deadlines for entry If you haven’t done so already please ensure your college or university has registered for the XNA Ireland Challenge 2008 by Monday 4th February. This years event honours the 30th Anniversary of SPACE INVADERS (c) Taito Corporation. Visiting games studio judges will be scouting for students interested[...]

Review 2007 – More Ups Than Downs

As always our best journalists are the people on the forums who post links, news items and gossip way before we get to officially post it on – but I guess that is what you get on a properly functioning website! This is my annual review of the news that is "fit to print" publicly and that I can confirm.

Cfp Vienna Games Conference

A great place to visit, good people and a nice broad interdisciplinary conference. Aphra. Future and Reality of Gaming (F.R.O.G.) Vienna Games Conference, 17.-19. October 2008 Call for Papers ———————————————————————————————– Digital games have become a driving factor of contemporary cultural, social, and economic development. They are enablers of global cultural[...]