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You could just re-skin the existing CS:S maps and your done. couple of tri-colours, union-jacks, trad music (instead of the brazilian radio – RIO what an awesome CS map…), etc.
I think the loudest point raised above is the "what is your unique selling point?"
To which I would consider some original character classes. You could consider making the game about "solving" conflict and therefore encourage classes like:
weapons inspector
who all work towards resolving conflict and establishing and maintaining peace in their own way.
problems with this? well then it starts lending itself to an RTS game rather than FPS (imo). You will also more than likely lose most of the FPS trigger-junkies.
Also, you’ve got Phooka to contend with up in Derry City who are working on a similar concept (last I checked) which is about peace in Ireland in the future.
In the end, an Northern Ireland themed CS:S mod would probably grab a day’s mention on Kotaku – but after that, then what? Its not like this game would (imo) have a mass-market appeal, you’ve got 4-5 million people on the island, how many of them play CS? 1%? which gives you 40,000 gamers? And even that seems a bit high. 0.1% gives you 4,000 gamers? and what other content is there competing for their attention?
I suppose the above criticisms apply to all games.
In summary – thefoofighter I see that your new to the forums, (<10 posts) so I don’t want to discourage you from continuing to hang out and post ideas. I think the locals have been pretty quick to get the shotguns out for this concept without realising your new.
Look forward to your next concept.