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Have to say, I am surprised at the negative waves towards the dev-kit idea.

My suggestion was to flood uni’s with dev-kits. Not necessarily Games Courses left, right, and centre, but in conjunction with CompSci departments.

As for them laving the country in drones, that’s not what I would envision. Instead it would be a case of attracting studios to start-up, as there are CompSci graduates with console programming experience.

It doesn’t have to be a "feast-or-a-famine" implementation here guys. I use the word flood, because there is a serious lack of kits in the country.

Are budgets really that tight that Uni departments can’t afford 1100 euro (ish) for a multi-license PSP dev kit?

Guest Lectures are helpful, fair point.

If dev-kits are not the answer, what is?