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Exactly, EA just churn out sequels every year. Maybe they should try and develop titles for *shock horror* more than a year, and see what they can do.

I almost wretched when I saw what they are calling the next Bond game. What a cheap bloody marketing move that is.
I can just imagine the meeting that came up with that:

EA Robot #1: Hey guys, our Bond games are always being compared to Goldeneye, and they all pretty much suck compared to it. What are we going to do about it?

EA Robot #2: Why not try put a lot of effort and time into developing a worthy contender to Goldeneye and win over its legions of fans?

*tumbleweed blows across floor*

EA Robot #1: Your fired. Now, anyone else have any thoughts?

EA Robot #3: Lets just call our game “Goldeneye something” and then all those gamers will think its a proper sequel to the original game and that it will be just as good in terms of quality and gameplay, because we all know how dumb those gamers are!

EA Robots (All together): Huzzah!

They then proceed to their local bank to open new accounts.