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If I wasn’t such a nice guy I would intentional try and get a job in EA only to sabotage their master plan and blow up their EA Canada house……Ya you heard me EA. [/quote:e746eb5720]

When we won Dare last year, ourselves and the other winning team got invited down to present our games at EA. It was really an excuse to get 10 people into their offices to interview, but hey.
The team lead from the other team, Steve, was the most anti-EA person I’ve met, saying many times on the trip down ( that EA paid for ) how he hated even the idea of visiting them.
We got there and did our presentations. Steve did his in style, declaring “our game had selling points including playability and innovation, things that won’t interest you guys”.
Steve didn’t do an interview that day. He was just given a figure that was his salary.
As for their office…its amazing, cafe, bar, popcorn machine, games room, video game library, sound suite,
EA aren’t all bad…they do recognise talent and they do splash out on it. They’re not all bad…I moan about them just as much as the rest of you, but hey….