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I had a recent conversation with a few mates regarding our time spent in the States(all of us at different time and places, mine was spent in Boston)during the last year or two, We got onto the subject of the American media powerhouse, and how it covered the war against terrorism and more specificly Iraq, any views represented here are merely opinionated and are in now way meant to offend anyone, ok.
So, as we all know our Media coverage here in Ireland is fairly Neutral, we hear the facts, even if they sometimes demoralize the The Americans and the British, While in the states however it is a totally different story, propoghanda drives through the Nation like a sharp knife and the Bush administration holds an Iron grip on the the content of such. Turning on the News is like watching an episode of Jag, glorified American soldiers hunting down the “Scum” of the East, nothing is ever heard of the disgraceful acts against “prisoners of War”……The Average American will tell you that Bush is doing Irag a favour, while you can be almost certain that the person in question has little knowledge of the political state of Iraq. It is indeed scary how easily the American public can be manipulated, they are after all the most powerful nation in the world and with ass lickers like Blair following the trend one has to ask, if they came knocking on our door in a few years time, looking to unify the North and South would we be so happy? Bush seem’s to think that he has the “right” to invade other nations, on the basis that they need help, it couldn’t be more a case of the playground Bully having his way, and what always happens to the playground Bully?, some day someone will loose the plot with him!, and then there will be repercussions. Obviously this is a debate best left to polititions(children) as they know best right?, anyway regarding the new “America’s most wanted” game, well it’s a bloody disgrace, again would you be happy if they made a game like that concerning our country?
or better still, how about we go and make a nice liitle action adventure centered around the events of Sep 11th!, come on guys this kind of game is just blatant propoghanda and you know it, I find it hard to accept that anyone would even want to play this game. *sigh*