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after I cancelled my wii order in late nov, wii, zelda, and play ( they let me down with the preorders) they still sent me Zelda in 2nd of feb! I sent it back, but I got no confirmation from them that i was refunded, I have to wait till my next balance statement.

I did some research on them, generally most people are happy with them, but when there was a problem most found customer support lacking.

ok i had a bad experience, so I’m bias

Ronny: I been playing Gears mostly, its a great game, I’m getting crackdown tomorrow i think, i hear its short, but the demo was fun. But really there isn’t huge amount of great games yet, but there are a few worth getting, personally i’m more interest in the games comming on XBLA (Space Giraffe looks great, and i would be temped by ikaruga too)