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Man, honestly, I like The Rock. He is cool, and even if I always preferred the Undertaker (and the two japanese guys, “indeeeeeed”), I always found he was amusing in his own way.
When I saw he was moving to the movie business, I though, cool, this might actually be interesting, given how good a wrestler he is.
And honestly, I wanted to love The Scorpion King. I so wanted it to be the new Conan the Barbarian.
But I don’t know… it had its moments, but it lacked that subtle, mmmh, I think it’s the Italian western of the 80’s style: the sweat, the grease, the cheap disguises that end up looking realistic.
The movie just had too much of that shitty “Hercules/Xena/I don’t know anything about medieval outfits, but this looks cool so let’s put it in” style.
Well, at least it had The Rock and that huge mountain of a black man from the Green Mile, Michael Clarke Duncan (I still can’t believe the guy is almost a head bigger than the Rock :shock:)

So anyway, just to say I’d love that movie to be good. I really would.
Or is it just me being too cynical of this whole Hollywood crap?
