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Evil Aliens – “High energy and low humor make for a giddy ride in “Evil Aliens.” Splat-stick comedy about nasty E.T.’s facing off against equally crass humans reps a big leap for helmer Jake West, whose sophomore feature (following the 1998 “Razor Blade Smile”) will make him an instant hero among horror geeks. Cross-over to mainstream auds is iffier, since pic’s humor is less critically-approved “Shaun of the Dead” ilk and more the gore-soaked, MPAA-problematic stripe defined by the original “Evil Dead” and Peter Jackson’s “Dead Alive.” Specialized theatrical play is likely, with long afterlife guaranteed as a rental, home purchase, and midnight-movie item.” (Source: Dennis Harvey, Variety)[/quote:384157e8ae]


Features that girl who was in a videogame tv show – emily booth.