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To answer richies question, of what is my fav genre of game, I would suppose its RPG. I mean “A Link To The Past” really was the best game ever. Anyone who says different, well, just don’t know anything about what a game is all about.
Alas, since the world has spawned 3D Engines like Eminem spawned number 1’s, we (the end-user/gameplayers) have certainly lost out with respect to overall game quality.
I’ve turned to FPS like HL1, CS, DoD, which are good, but don’t have the same compelling feel to it. (Admittedly, I have yet to get through HL2).
The last game that I have to say, really re-introduced a compelling story was Jedi Knight II : Jedi Outcast. Loved it. Took a 3D engine, and shoved as much RPG’ness over it as it could.
KoToR II was good (didn’t play the first one) and NeverWinter Nights was a class act too.
Still have to work my way through Thief 3 : Deadly Shadows.
I guess I just want more from games…
Fine, your engine supports Shaders 5.501b, HDR, 10 different uber maps, and surface normal coming out your dual-core! That doesn’t mean your piss-poor concept of a game will capture your target audience!!!
I think all a dev team should be given is a SNES Dev Kit. Let them develop a prototype on it. If its good, then as a reward you can throw them the new PS3 IDE…
Just my rant…