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Well, I dunno how you guys can remember all that stuff, personally the details are all a bit blurry.
Essentially, I am a 100% PC boy. Never had a console, never will (OK, my mum bought a GBA for my sis, but still).

I think my first contact with “computers” was at my nanny’s house. She had an Atari 2600, and I remember playing Pong for hours and hours…
I also remember playing this “shoot the clouds” sort of game (in 4 colours). I must have been 5 or 6 at the time, maybe younger.

Then I was 9, my school had Thomson MO5 (and later a TO7) and a teacher came specially to teach us computer skills. We have this big scientific thing in France, I’m not sure why, but anyway, the idea was that by learning LOGO on those machines it would develop our logic skills. Then I discovered the beast also had games… (I was in the Computer club)

Mmh, around the same time, I had a friend who had a Amstrad CPC464. I remember we would go to his house, put the tape in the drive, then go and have a “gouter” (a 4 o’clock dessert sorta thing) for 20 minutes, then come back and start to play. Until another level had to be loaded. We absolutely loved it :)

Around the same time (still 9 years old), my dad bought himself a Victor PC II (apparently, the brand was originally called Sirius, but I clearly remember the logo with “Victor” on it instead of Sirius).

And so up to this very day, I have had a PC of some sort in my house.
I remember drilling ten floppies with a driller so I could transform a 512k into a 1.4M, or bragging how my machine had 4 Megs of RAM, without which I couldn’t have played the revolutionary Comanche.

I remember playing a cool cannonball game on an Apple II with my German exchange student in her house, I remember watching demos and porn on the Amiga we had in the computer club in high school, or playing F16 Fighting Falcon with a friend, one being the pilot and the other guy the copilot operating the plethora of keys necessary to do anything…

yeah, lotsa memories :roll:

Wish the games had increased in quality as much as the machines have.