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You said it yourself – you wouldn’t stay in Rockstar cos they tried to make you do more than the job was worth, nor do you want to stay in the industry long-term… [/quote:d9e5e776a8]
There are companies you wouldn’t work for in every industry…
As for Rockstar, if you are someone willing to do lots of extra hours, they do compenstae you very well, bonuses are very good. At this point in my life, I wasn’t prepared to do that.
As for long-term…I’m talk 20 years down the line. Everyone wants to try something different. I don’t see games as the only thing in my life, I would hope to branch out in the future, being a developer means you can do that fairly easily. Who knows what state games will be in in 5, 10 or 15 years time with new consoles coming out every few years.

I think we were getting confused with your ‘thoughts’ catbert as there were several unrelated arguements there.