Home Forums General Discussion interesting article by TK Reply To: interesting article by TK


some very thoughtful responses here.

I have invited lecturers and tutors on the various courses to respond and depending on the number we receive I hope to have a follow up feature from an academic perspective.

Also this topic will be discussed at an industry panel at CGames in a couple of weeks.


I attended an EA academic summit in Chertsey last week. EA corporate’s stance on game courses is that they do not recommend game undergraduate degrees but endorse game postgraduate courses. It is their opinion that game developers need a full grounding in Computer Science first and then need to specialise in specific game topics.

In 2005 out of 55 engineers that EA UK hired, 1 was from a games course. Also interestingly, of all hires in EA global last year, of those that came straight from College, 60% had batchelor’s degrees, 30% had MScs and 10% had PhDs. Graduates in general account for 30% of EA’s hires annually (230 last year), but they have a goal to increase this to 50% p.a. by next year. And finally, of all hires last year, 75% were in engineering, 15% were in art and 10% were in game design.

Interesting stats.