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a little dig @ Phillipe’s own little dig and, re. Corsica, you either need to have visited the place for along enough time, or be French, to be aware of their ‘special status’ where taxes, subsidies, incentives and generally supporting measures are concerned – put it that way, I doubt anyone on that island is doing anymore than 4 hours’ work a week and they’re probably on double whatever you or I are on a year :roll: – not that I begrudge it to them, on the contrary I ‘m rather envious (and quite looking fwd to it, as that’s where I’m retiring, gents :D )

So, in the context of the thread (subsidised VG industry), it makes a lot of sense, as not only would a Corsican studio benefit from the new tax credit, but there would most probably be a ton of other financial incentives of one shape or another that would allow one to run the studio on less than a shoestring in real cash terms.

Only problems would be the monthly rent inclusive of ‘protection’ :wink: (said ‘protection’ not tracking inflation either, LOL), the not-so-international flight connections (got to fly to Orly, people – that’s the Paris South one, not the CDG one). For the rest, I believe Irish would do quite well, since already fully acclimatised with the small-island/rip-off prices dynamic :twisted: