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1. we have a ridiculous budget surplus, banning cigs would not be a tragic loss of tax paying income.[/quote:b22aedcc05]

No it wouldn’t, but it would be a loss all the same and I’d doubt the government would want that. When is having enough money actually enough ??

2. The reason for banning smoking in public places was due to passive smoking being bad for the health of others. Banning personal smoking when the only person at risk is the smoker would be a step too far on the civil liberties limitation wagon.[/quote:b22aedcc05]

Yeah and I have absolutely no objections to that, but this new idea is taking things a step too far. Just like a goverment body telling us what entertainment we can and cannot partake in our spare time. There is a very fine line between protecting people and just bullying them into doing what is considered to be the right thing by others. These guys are trying to cross that line and its not right.