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However I can understand the predicament facing some of the students in Carlow and the likes. Even in a degree as broad as Computer Applications the INTRA office still has trouble finding sufficient numbers of relevant and worthwhile placement positions for students each year. Placement even mildly relevant or beneficial to games dev/design students would be even more difficult to secure I would imagine.[/quote:7ea7749095]
Yeah thats the big problem us second year students in Carlow are going to face next year now… I find it suprising considering the input the X-Box team has had on the course that they would find it a realistic goal to get every student in industrial placement in the games industry for third year.. Conversely though I feel that maybe its a good thing- putting this big target in front of us should only help spur us on and make us more determined to get out there and get noticed, so maybe its not so bad after all..
Always gonna be a problem in welfare states – students not appreciating just how much their free third level education is worth, in every sense. Makes ’em lazy… Wink[/quote:7ea7749095]
I beg to differ!
Although I understand where you are coming from, I think making vast generalisations such as this is not truly representative of the entire picture.
In my own case, I get up at 6.30 every morning and get a bus to Carlow IT because I cannot afford to stay down there and hence I have to commute. I then spend the whole day in college, going to classes and doing project work in between classes, and then leave on the bus at around 5 to go home. The rest of my day then consists of working on any projects or assignments i have due, or just doing study. I generally stay up until 1am in the morning until when I am so tired I just HAVE to collapse into bed and get some sleep. Last night for instance I stayed up until half 2 in the morning working on a problem with one of the latest projects I got. And no, I don’t get a grant from the government either because I am not deemed ‘worthy’… So would you call call me lazy or unappreciative of the support the goverment has given me? I eat breathe and sleep games development because its something I really enjoy and something I’d like to do with my life. Making good games that people really enjoy feels like a worthwhile occupation to me and I’m trying my darndest to get good at it and make a career from it, despite all the neighsayers that would tell me I’m wasting my time. I’m sorry for getting so narky with you and foremost apologies for this (I’m just back from the pub too so don’t be surpised if i’m a bit rowdy!! :) ), but it really pisses me off when I see other wasters in college pissing away the chance of a lifetime, getting grants and other support from their parents and then doing f**k all with it. What pisses me off even more is people trying to tar me with the same brush and call me lazy too.. So don’t go start going down that road.. please! :wink: