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Always gonna be a problem in welfare states – students not appreciating just how much their free third level education is worth, in every sense. Makes ’em lazy… Wink[/quote:84a9e4b716]

I beg to differ!

Although I understand where you are coming from, I think making vast generalisations such as this is not truly representative of the entire picture.

In my own case…[/quote:84a9e4b716]

I’d say you’re an exception rather than a rule darrage, i think cabert is right, the majority of students, ones that i’ve encountered doing games courses have fit that bill.[/quote:84a9e4b716]

Why are you saying that it is just students that are like this? Walk around any town in Ireland and watch the leeches in their 1982 Ford Fiestas with a spoiler that looks like it was found at a Concorde crash site drive by hassling people before they go home and sleep in their mothers house until 4pm. I think what you mean to say is, the majority of PEOPLE are lazy and unmotivated!!