Home Forums General Discussion Camelot Galway Demo is released

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    • #3669

      Hi all, just in time before christmas we have uploaded the camelot galway demo.


      Its 200mbs & is a work in progress of course. feedback welcome to all who have boardband!

      Merry Christmas to all on gamedevelopers.ie


    • #16806

      Hey there Darkblood,

      I finally got a chance to download and run the demo.

      It’s quite cool, I spent quite a bit of time wandering around just checking out the Galway town area.

      Just a few things ( and this may have been down to my PC )…

      The loading seemed quite slow… you might want to try to stream the loading, as well as the displaying of the models.

      The LOD on some of the models seemed quite high, I had to be right up beside some of the characters before I could see them in full detail, and from a slight distance their detail dropped right down.

      Other than that, a great job especially for your first title!

      I’m sure you guys have learnt a lot from your experience, and will be applying it to the next game, or next iteration of your game!

      Best regards, and keep the good work up!

    • #16807

      Hi Mal,
      Thanks for your comments. The loading is long, the LOD is as you say. There are also a number of other bits n pieces that are being fixed up, an updated demo with a much smaller file size will be released soon.


    • #16808

      Hi Keith,
      Not sure if you remember, but at the Galway Games Conference you mentioned that you planned to post a set of guidelines for those working with the Torque engine. Such as details about your experience getting content into the engine from max, your processes and some do’s and don’ts and common pitfalls etc.

      Do you think you could put something like this together? It would be invaluable to more than a few people on the boards and would also make a very nice addition to the resources section of GD.ie itself.


    • #16810

      Congratulations on the demo. It’s good to see an Irish team get one out. I’m sure the experience will help you develop some great work in time to come.

      My major complaint is that I felt as if the camera was too close to the ground. It was as if the character was crawling around. As it’s still only a demo I won’t complain about anything as I know you’re still fixing everything up.

      Keep it up, guys.

    • #16812

      Details will be released in the near future and that is an interesting note about the camera too close to the ground, we are thinking of adding the 3rd person view so you play as one of the characters through the city. Any more comments would be great at this stage.


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