Home Forums General Discussion CanDo develops Adobe Showcase Project

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    • #7235

      Hi there folks,

      Here’s a link to a pre-release version of a showcase project we created for Adobe, to showcase Director 11.5 and the new PhysX physics system.

    • #43950

      There sure are a lot of storage containers on that space station :-). I was immediately reminded of Bungie and their "space crates" in Halo (like regular crates, but in space!).

      I’ll have to give it a go again with fewer open browser tabs, but I got some pretty nasty frame-rate chug when I met bad guys that fired lots of bullets at me. It seemed to be happening when sounds were playing?

    • #43951

      More or less the same (stuttering) behavior with IE 7 and Firefox; Shockwave player version 11.5r471 according to http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/welcome and I’m running XP Pro x64. Now I’m kinda curious to see if Shockwave just doesn’t like this PC!

      Also- minor aesthetic thing- on the last level, there’s the red spinning circles that show you what you need to shoot at; they work great when you’re looking at the things you need to shoot, but if you turn away then they collect around the edge of the screen. Come to think of it, that might be intentional? It looked odd at the time.

      Otherwise- nice job; there are even a couple of physics puzzles in there (which I suppose is kind of the point!)

    • #43962


      Congratulations to you and your team. This is officially the best 3d shockwave game I’ve seen yet.

      that title was previously held by the Gorillaz (the cartoon music band) racing game, but not any more.

      Great stuff.


    • #43967

      Hi Colin and Brendan,

      Thanks for the feedback!

      I’ll work on getting some of those issues resolved before the app goes live on the Adobe site. With regards the stuttering, I’m using the new Shockwave 11.5 sound engine – there may be a few performance issues on certain graphics cards I’m guessing.


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