Home Forums General Discussion Check out my Kickstarter: Vampire Cities

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    • #8490

      Hey all

      We done launched a Kickstarter for our game Vampire Cities. It’s a mashup of Hack&Slash RPGing and location-based gaming.

      We are kind of early stage – we have a backend and are working on the game client, since we pivoted a few months ago (check under ‘Project Progress’ for a full explanation)

      Should have a non-playable demo up in the next few weeks, hit that follow button in the top right if you want to be updated.


      cheers and would be interested to hear any feedback.


    • #48687

      Awesome! Good luck with the campaign. You need to have a US bank account for KickStarter in order to use Amazon payments (which is not available to Europe)? Right? IndieGoGo and FundIt can use PayPal.

    • #48689


      Yeah, we have a contact in the states who is willing to provide his bank acct/social security. We looked at the various options: indiegogo, rockethub and fundit, and decided that kickstarter was the best for us, simply because it has such a huge audience. For a game like this that is somewhat niche we need to reach as many people as possible and catch that long tail.

      did you have a look at the proposal? any opinions on it? I am in the process of re-cutting the video to make it shorter, add some music and some screenshots, coz it is a little plain atm.

    • #48690

      The proposal looks great. Lots of ground work. Plenty of nice concept stuff in there too, which will really help promote it. Also the most successful IndieGoGo projects are on par with the least successful ones on KickStarter. So it’s great that you got it onto KickStarter. Good luck with it. I’m sure it’ll be a well funded project. My only criticism is that you should have asked for more than 10k. But if you leave the door open for it to be overfunded then that’s not a worry. I’ve seen lesser projects bring in 50k plus.

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