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  • This topic has 9 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #5853

      Hey All, working on my new character over the last 2 weeks for a short and to be honest the practice as well. I thought I’d post what I have so far to gain some feedback and maybe some suggestions about where I could take him from here. (No select all -> Delete comments Please! :oops: )

    • #35664

      Love your character very nice. Here’s some things that I noticed. These are just stupid things, i’m not a modeler but I do a bit of lightwave as a hobby.

      I think the guns are to high up maybe lower them down closer to his waste, he won’t be able to reach them there. Sword looks neet, I like the look of it, but it needs to be angled if you wearing it on your back.

      I like the coat, there’s no pockets, buttons or a belt, but it’s looks good that way I think. You could try and put some creases around some areas of his clothing, but I know thats hard to do, maybe if your texturing it.

      A belt buckle maybe? Or something to go around his waste.

      Hat looks great.

      What are those things on his coat? I can see a knife but the other stuff?

      Looking really good, keep it up.

    • #35666

      Hi Dan thanks for the input much appreciated. The guns are too high, unless your double jointed or something, im designing a belt for that so i just placed them there for now. For the final model i’m using a different sword. its a straight edge katana called the samauri 3000 but as you say a twist on the holder would probably be better now I think on it.

      The things on the coat are fasteners, probably not too apparent on th pic at present. I have the clothes already normal mapped, the coat is going to be animated using reactor (well the lower half anyway as the top will be constrained). I have a belt normal mapped for the waist but the more I think on it the better an idea it seems, I dont really have any poly constrains as such. Oh yeah the other things are throwing knives i’ll post them up too in a bit.

    • #35667

      This is the Samurai 3000 model of the sword I’ll be using, not sure if i’ll go with the same colour scheme though plus its a year old so i’d like to optimise it using what i’ve learned since.

    • #35668

      Lovely work Aaron, looking forward to seeing more updates. See when you use a skylight to do those nice renders?- its a good idea to add an omni to your scene that doesn’t cast shadows and affects specular only, this helps to add some contrast to parts of your model that are glossier.

      Keep ’em comin’!

    • #35669

      %$^&ing nice sword. I remember that blade has a stright swords and wears his the way you have it so maybe i’m wrong there.

    • #35670

      Thanks for the tips lads much appreciated, I probably wont post over the weekend but i’ll have some more done by the start of the week. Preciate the lighting tip Pete, if you never try you wont learn so i’ll give that a bosh next time too, always nice to get tips from industry vets.

      Later folks have a good weekend!

    • #35686

      i’d say his feet are to long and his body (torso) too short – a little bit but still – looks kind of out of proportions

      knife placement is a bit weird – try to touch your shoulder with the side of your head – i can do it so u probably can do it as well – chopping off your own ear in the heat of the battle must be very lame :D

      anyway – looks good

      r u going to make low-poly out off that?? or it’s not going to be in-game model??


    • #35701

      Nah its for personal use so not loy poly as such, just trying to learn a few techniques whilst modelling something really.
      Your probably right about the placement of the knife not perhaps the most tactical but hey I like it so he’ll just have to watch his ears I guess and the knife also has a sheath, which although not fatal may require a visit to an ENT doctor :oops:

      You might be right on the torso proportions to be honest I never noticed that, its always nice to have another persons perspective on things like that. anyway i’ll keep you updated, working away on my free time here so i’ll post stuff later on. cheers for the advice ftorek! Much Appreciated!

    • #35704

      I would switch the orientation of the throwing knives, so they would be pulled out sideways. Either that or attached to the upper thighs. Then the bowie knife could be placed lower on the chest.
      The guns I would place on opposite sides of the body – one over the abs, one in the small of the back.

      A two tailed coat is also much easier to move and do martial arts in…oh but now I look I see he has one…

      Good work!

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