Home Forums General Discussion I need a new game

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    • #3690

      Advice please.
      These days I’m working long hours, getting home around 9pm at the moment, and there’s usually nothing worth watching on tv these days except for the occasional hour here and there. Because I come home pretty tired I’m looking for something fun, and pretty simple. I don’t want to have constantly to be able pull off special moves by memorising series of key presses or have to concentrate too hard on game ( one mistake and you’ve lost ). I’ve got an xbox, gamecube and gba. Any recomendations ??

    • #16893

      Burnout3, if you don’t already have it

      perfect high adrenaline ‘pick up and play’ gameplay… ideal post-work release

    • #16894

      Thats what I’ve been playing up til now. Got about 90% done so all the remaining races are ones where you make a mistake and you’re screwed, and me being tired, I keep losing concentration and crashing :( Its a bloody great game, but I was thinking something more relaxing

    • #16895

      What about OutRun2 or Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 or The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap for your GBA?

    • #16900

      You should give Deus Ex 2 a go on the Xbox if you haven’t already. Too often people overlook it but the reality is that it’s still a great game when not compared to the original. It’s not too hard and it’s enjoyable just playing through the missions having a good time.

      I hear Chronicles of Riddick is good. I’ll probably be getting that myself. Though that may be more action-packed that what you’re looking for.

      LMA Manager 2005 perhaps? I might get it just to get my home town boys up into the Premiership and thrash Man Utd again! :D

    • #16901

      Cat Woman?

      If u’re really tired, it’ll seem like a good game, and it shouldn’t be too difficult to complete :)


    • #16902

      Cat Woman?

      If u’re really tired, it’ll seem like a good game, and it shouldn’t be too difficult to complete :)

      Mal [/quote:7b3fde292a]
      Shouldn’t that be Catwench, Mal?? ;)

    • #16904

      Omen, I would advise Metal Slug 3 for your X-Box. I imagine it would suit your situation to a tee, whilst also dispeling any doubts you may have over Gameplay issues of today. A great little title.

    • #16905

      I recommend Pikmin 2. Its very easy to pick up, not streesful, loads of fun and is quite addictive. Maybe Paper Mario 2 aswell, easy to play through and doenst require much attention! Its really quite easy and after a while you forget your playing a game and you begin to think your watching a cartoon.

      There my picks anywho.

    • #16906

      Right…lets go through them….

      Outrun 2 – I see the same issue as I have with Burnout
      Tiger Woods – Bah! Although, Mario Golf might be an idea!
      Minnish Cap – Was thinking of that actually

      Deus Ex 2 – Nah, not in the mood for that, plus I haven’t played the original, cos my PC jsut wouldn’t play it for some reason :(
      Chronicles of Riddick – Thought I heard it was a big lack-lustre ?
      LMA Manager 2005 – Don’t like management games

      Catwomen – And help the corporate machine that is EA grow by buying the thrash that they produce, no thanks

      Metal Slug 3 – Hmm…no nothing about that, will look into it

      Pikmin 2 – Got it and almost finished. Its all hard bits left :(
      Paper Mario – Yeah, thinking of getting that in the near future…maybe I’ll just get it now….

      Hmm…Paper Mario, Mario Golf, Metal Slug or Minnish Cap….

    • #16907

      Lets be Honest Omen, Paper Mario has the charm and the substance. While I recommend Metal Slug(which is only 30 Euro) I would agree with Paul in so far as Paper Mario being light hearted fun.

      Oh, and just incase you don’t know what metal slug is i’ll try and enlighten you :)

      The basic idea of the game, which is a side srcolling 2d shooter is to kill all these ‘German’ lookalikes in a suureal WW 2 setting, well sort of. There are a few bizzare stages with Zombies and the like.

      Overall thought its mad fun with maybe a little ‘Hardcore’ feel to it, but I can’t see anyone not enjoying a quick Bout!, other than that Paper Mario soundsd good to me.

    • #16908

      Oh Dear!

    • #16909

      If you’ve not played Beyond Good & Evil and you’re looking for something relaxing that’d be a great buy for the Xbox!

      BTW nice way of asking what games people like ;)


    • #16910

      Yes Ian, Beyond good and evil is a true gem lost in the woods, and at budget price, its definitly worth it. Twas one of the games that didnt go so well for Ubisoft, causing them to return to more reliable franchises, aka Tom Clancy. And hence no chance of getting a sequel to one of the best games of the last few years.

      But i do recall having this converstaion a while ago about BG&E and how cheap it was in game, and i as far as i remember, Damien was the one of the people who bought and loved the title.. I think anyways.. But if im wrong, do yourself a favour and buy this game.

    • #16913

      As a matter of interest have any of you played the new PoP?, I played the original albiet the original Next Generation version and enjoyed it immensly.

    • #16915

      I too immensily enjoyed the next generation ORIGINAL, hence playing through it twice. I was a bit dubious about approaching the sequel, but i caved in and jumped onboard the mainstream wagon and played it for roughly 2 hours before completely losing interest and running back to my gamecube for a healthy dose of Nintendo magic.

      Bit of advice, dont play the game, it will only injure your memory of the ORIGINAL, as stunning as it was.

    • #16916

      That is a sad realization Paul. I am dissapointed, althought you always knew it was going to happen. I feel sorry for Ubisoft really. As you also said Paul Beyond Good and Evil was fantasic but yet failed to hold any sway in the market. Shame on all of you who dismiss great games as such in favour of more Pro Evo and Medal of Honour!

    • #16920

      Yes and unfortunately, due to todays climate, more companies are set to follow suit as most companies who release and very decent games, fail to break even hence having the choice of either going under or jumping about the wrecking train that is the mainstream market and their iron fist like grasp on the industry..


    • #16923

      There is hope, as long as Nintendo are about there will be light at the end of the tunnel, even if the tunnel is growing in scale these days. I must say, I just purchased Metroid Prime 2, being a sucker for all things Metroid, yes I am an avid fan. So far the game is excellent, intriquing and thought provoking. I always turn the ‘Hint’ system off as Metroid games are notorious for their Puzzles and I like to experience them first hand. I would reccommend the game if you are a fan. Althought I do prefer the 2D iterations Retro have done a stellar job in capturing the spirit of Metroid ina 3D envoirnment. Kudos!

    • #16927

      Ah yes, dear metroid.

      I have it about a month now and im 72% through. It is quite mentally challenging and does push you to your gaming limits. When i first turned it on, a welcoming wave of nostalgia washed over me as the start screen and music kicked in. Pure magic.

    • #16928

      I always say “music makes a Game”.

      Here’s a little treat for a fellow Nintendo Fan Paul….


    • #16930

      Youve just made my day!

      I bow down!

    • #16931

      Yup, I loved BG&E. I think it was Ivan who sent me a link a while back talking about Ubi making a trilogy for BG&E, because thats what they always planned for it ( hence the ending I guess… ). And it is Yves Guillemot’s baby, so he has the pulling power to get it made and I don’t think it did that badly sales-wise, sold a lot as more and more people heard of it i think.

      I’m on the Ing Emperor boss now but I haven’t played sice before xmas, so I don’t think I’d be a match for it at the moment…. Great game.

      PoP2 is an utter disappointment. Loved the first, but thought it was flawed and could have been made so much more, and then they buggered it up and made it primarily a fighting game. Am slowly forcing my way through it, but its tough work and dying just feels so final in it that once you make a slight mistake and jump the wrong direction, you just want to throw down the controls and give up.

      Really must finish Fable at some point too….and I guess I really should get around to finishing Halo 1, just not in the mood at the moment. Maybe I should go play Pokemon Colosseum again…. There isn’t even anything on in the bloody cinema. I think I just need a good rant…does anyone mind if I start another thread bitching about EA, if only for the reason that its so easy to do ? *sigh* I’m rambling again…I should log off…

      ps McCloskey, how’s Dundee, i’m too busy in work to get around to writing a mail that last more than about 10 words.

    • #16932

      Another thought….maybe I should just get a DS.
      Any one know when they coming out here yet, or are Nintendo still waiting on Sony to announce when they’re launching and then launch a few weeks earlier? If so, when the hell are sony going to announce their bloody launch date! Arrgh! Its such a pile of p*ss!

    • #16933

      I think a bout of pikmin will calm you down damien! As far as the PSP goes, it will “probably” be released in march further fueling speculation of an imminent DS launch. However, you can buy one on import for 150 euro from importmadness.com. Its an asian version of the console but it comes with english manuals and a 3 pin, 220v adapter so it will be exactly the same as one youll pick up here when it eventually comes out.

      Im considering getting one at the moment, but i have to wait for awhile until i can afford it.

    • #16936

      DS – buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it!:D

      I have the same problem, Omen. Long hours, baby at home, etc, etc = no time to play and when time available, I don’t want an epic quest that’ll take me 20 mins of gameplay at any time to get anything achieved…

      So, aside from reverting to pick up’n play -type games for my XBOX (Metal Slug 3 & Burnout 3 are great recommendations, btw – I’d add Flat-Out to that: satisfying as Burnout 3 but less eye-meltingly intensive), I was lucky to get a DS at Xmas and promptly ot stuck into SM64DS = Absolutely perfect for 5 mins or many-hours sessions – I haven’t touched my Xbox or PC since!

    • #16939

      I have the same problem, Omen. Long hours, baby at home, etc, etc [/quote:dd49d7695e]
      I have a baby at home?? Crap, someone should have told me!!! ;)

      I think a bout of pikmin will calm you [/quote:dd49d7695e]
      No, I’ve only got 4 hard bosses to beat to complete it…but the fact you have to go through all the levels just to get to them and then when you get there realised you let too many die to deal with him is just a bit annoying and you have to back out and do it all again.

      As far as the PSP goes, it will “probably” be released in march further fueling speculation of an imminent DS launch[/quote:dd49d7695e] Yes, but march is a long time, its 31 days in fact! Big difference between march 1st and march 31st. I’ve heard a few conflicting dates, but non-concrete, and in fairness, its only a matter of weeks away, surely they’re got to give a date soon, surely!
      Although, I’m a bit skint at the moment too :(

    • #16983

      Just bought Paper Mario, so that’ll keep me entertained for a bit. While I was at the counter, I saw Metal Slug 3 playing….might buy that next week :)

      Cheers guys.

    • #17003

      I haven’t bought a game in a while so I’m heading out now to get the Chronicles of Riddick and Splinter Cell 2.

      Should be a good weekend. :)

    • #17005

      Since I started playing MMORPG’s I haven’t really bought any console games, maybe 1 or 2 in the last 8 months.

    • #17010

      Can I jsut add that I think Paper Mario 2 the best game I have played in a long long time. Its one of those games you really don’t want to put down. Definitelly recommend it.

    • #17011

      what is donkey konga like?

      i just saw an offer in argos .. got GC and the game and the bongos for 89 eu…

      do you have to do rhythmical competitions of something?

    • #17012

      Its basically one of those dance games where you have to hit the correct “key” at the right time, where the key is either a bongo drum or a clap of your hands.
      Its quite good fun. There are some mini games too.
      That kind of game isn’t really my cup of tea, but I enjoyed playing it. Not sure about the longevity of it, but it is fun.

    • #17013

      Can I jsut add that I think Paper Mario 2 the best game I have played in a long long time. Its one of those games you really don’t want to put down. Definitelly recommend it. [/quote:c55f50512d]

      Nice to hear, I am still playing Metroid Prime 2 myself. About 4 hours in, quite challanging!

      Also slaving away at a bit of Lineage 2. :P

    • #17037

      Can I jsut add that I think Paper Mario 2 the best game I have played in a long long time. [/quote:1efaf86b2a]

      I’d also recommend it, Damo is waaay ahead of me, but I have a legitimate excuse: Pro Evo.

    • #17038

      Nah, Pro Evo isn’t a legitimate excuse. Shame on you.

      The crows are brilliant. Haven’t laughed at a game so much since Monkey Island.

    • #17054

      Well to my surprise, Chronicles of Riddick is not only game of the year but the best I’ve played in a long time. Absolutely blew me away in every way possible. Haven’t even got around to playing Splinter Cell 2 yet.

    • #17063

      Well to my surprise, Chronicles of Riddick is not only game of the year but the best I’ve played in a long time. [/quote:6d4926e992]

      Weird – I returned Riddick…I wasn’t *that* impressed. Now Paper Mario 2 on the other hand….. :)

    • #17065

      I’ve started playing the original metroid prime and star ocean. Star Ocean seems to be taking a right while to start properly though.

    • #17066

      Well to my surprise, Chronicles of Riddick is not only game of the year but the best I’ve played in a long time. Absolutely blew me away in every way possible. Haven’t even got around to playing Splinter Cell 2 yet. [/quote:22e39854c7]

      I found that it began to grate after awhile, glad your enjoying it though. Whats Star Ocean like Gizmo?

    • #17068

      I must admit, I’ve always been quite fascinated with prisons. Love the movies about them and have been in Northern Ireland’s high security prison! So naturally I already liked the game after I heard it was set in a slammer. The whole environment and atmosphere was so right. I really enjoy first person shooters that lets you interact with everyone you meet in a role playing style. The gameplay is fantastic too, it has such a great balance. At times you could be sneaking around watching your step as you execute your strategy and knock off that guard. Then soon after you’re running down the corridor shouting and swearing at the TV as you just hammer the trigger button nailing into anything that moves. I found it much better than Halo anyway. :)

    • #17077

      I found that it began to grate after awhile, glad your enjoying it though. Whats Star Ocean like Gizmo? [/quote:c9ecf69483]

      it’s slow at the minute, trying to get to grips with the battle system, it doesn’t look as nice as FF-X either, which i’d hoped it would, i mean, the cgi cutscenes are amazing as usual but the in game cutscenes are a bit lacking.

    • #17084

      I think I just need a good rant…does anyone mind if I start another thread bitching about EA, if only for the reason that its so easy to do ? *sigh* I’m rambling again…I should log off…


      “And a big thank you to pantomime villain Electronic Arts for giving us an industry hate figure to unite against.”

      See pic here:

    • #17086

      Great site Kyoto, some hilarious stuff on there! :D

    • #17093

      much better than Halo anyway. :) [/quote:da652dc0f4]

      Quick, get ’em Boys!

      Nah, thats great that you found something in the game which you can relate with, in that I mean you said you’ve been to a Prison which I have never done. The one thing about ridddick which even the developers so bouldy said in an interview some time back is that the game is for adults, and thats it! It wears it’s naughty colours proudly. I was stunned the first time I heard the Gaurd(played by Xzibit) say ” Yo shut the Fuck up and get back in your cell”, thought that was madness. But it did add to the atmosphere.

      For another point I wanted to make, which i suspect you’ll agree with Ronny is how excellently the combat is accomplished, in that I mean the ‘fisty cuffs’. The Knuckle fighting is fantastic. Uppercuts and left Hooks all over the shop, blood dripping from your Foe’s nose. The stuff of legend. You’d be hard pushed to find any game that does 1st person fighting any better, actually you probably won’t find one, not even that game Breakout by Namco comes close.

      All in all the mechanics of the game are sound and well accomplished, and at the end of the day maybe your right Ronny, Riddick may be better than Halo 2. But by the sum of its parts I think Halo nufges it :)

    • #17098

      Excellent points, Omega!

      Before I develop a certain reputation I just want to state I was in a prison as part of my work experience with the Police Service of Northern Ireland in my old high school. So don’t be getting any thoughts!!

      The one on one fist fighting is something I really liked. So often in first person shooters it’s all about going in all guns blazing trying to kill as many soldiers as you can. Riddick pulled this off so well. It’s made so much better with the realistic way in which the enemy bleeds and bruises, as you said.

      There’s been some positive and negative points made about the swearing. Personally I feel that it does add to the believability. It is a game for adults so the parents of kids who complain about this really should not be letting them play it in the first place. I have a habit of swearing right back at the game, I must admit. Won’t go into the offensive details but I must applaud my humorous wit in such tense situations. ;) Truly does immerse you in the game.

      One thing that I find annoying is how short it is. Perhaps Starbreeze were worried that it would drag on for too long and bore the gamer. Then again there could have been time restrictions. If it was the former then I think they could have stretched it out. More of the same please.

      I’ve finished the game twice in the last couple of days, been off college with the flu, so clearly you can complete it rather fast. Despite this it shows the reply factor as you want to pick it right up after completing it.

      This game really gets me excited. It’s something special and I’m bloody glad Pete showed me the demo of it when I was at Torc on work ex last year. Hope the sequel wont’ be too long off.

    • #17187

      Im just about to order a DS from importmadness.com. I just cant wait any longer. I would love to work for a company that are developing for it. For the last few years we have suffered from the attack of the clones but with the DS, Nintendo are saying: you have to really think about how to make a good game with this system.

      Apparently the fancy stylus, wi-fi magic and touch screen are even setting coders brains alight with sparks of idea-electric. . :)

      I think we are in for a good few years. I love Nintendo, because they create magic, and everyone loves magic right?!

    • #17195

      Ronny, one of the teams that did Dare my year ( included 2 irish guys ) was a prison game. Theory behind it was a gta style game set in prison, dealing with different gangs and the guards. Was a really interesting idea but the scope was just too big to do in 10 weeks…

      I finished Paper Mario at the weekend….thoroughly enjoyable 40 hours play…and there are still a few little thing to do in it. Good ol’ Nintendo….think I’ll go get Mario Sunshine now :)

      Oh and apparently the Mario vs DK game on the GBA is really good fun

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