Home Forums General Discussion Info on WiiWare

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    • #6639

      Just doing some browsing and was looking for something on WiiWare or WiiSoftware, whatever you want to call it, and I couldn’t really find out anything about it. I’ve heard that its supposed to be very like Xbox live arcade but much easier for developers to get into as there is a lot less intensive paperwork and more about getting something fun up and running. Anyone got any good links to info about it??


    • #40524

      Just doing some browsing and was looking for something on WiiWare or WiiSoftware, whatever you want to call it, and I couldn’t really find out anything about it. I’ve heard that its supposed to be very like Xbox live arcade but much easier for developers to get into as there is a lot less intensive paperwork and more about getting something fun up and running. Anyone got any good links to info about it??


      I would imagine the paperwork is alot easier than 360 (arcade or normal, doesn’t really make much difference in terms of development, arcade really only defines the scope of a project IMO). As for documentation on wiiware you only get that when your a licensed Nintendo developer, just like live arcade or psn games. So doubt you’ll find anything online unfortunately.

    • #40525


      Interviews about why wiiware is getting support from devs, everywhere is thin on the technical end though.

    • #40527

      The size of the projects, as in program size, is under wraps for the most part. This is pretty much the only detail withheld by nintendo at the moment But nintendo seem to have only released details about it to developers as of July 2007. The games that I’ve seen look like they have had the 10 months (ish) development behind them, and some do actually take great advantage of the Wii’s controls.

      Nintendo haven’t announced price points as of yet. But any early signs from developers is tha tit will follow similar lines to XBLA, and the virtual console. Therefore old games should probably retail at 5 – 8 dollars, and original content should range from 10 – 15 dollars. And Wiiware is out in America on May 12th so I guess it’s not too long until these details are explicitly explained

    • #40534

      I thought the point of it, along with Live Arcade was that it was accessible to people and you didn’t need to be a licensed developer to get into talks. Sure once you’ve signed up you got lots of info, but how do you find out info before you sign up??
      Isn’t it something thats being tauted to ‘smaller teams’ and not the large corporate companies?

      There’s a lot more info about Live Arcade I’m sure. I’ve not looked for it, but I’ve heard several people talking about it and the process and I know for a fact they’re not licensed developers.

    • #40535

      I thought the point of it, along with Live Arcade was that it was accessible to people and you didn’t need to be a licensed developer to get into talks. Sure once you’ve signed up you got lots of info, but how do you find out info before you sign up??
      Isn’t it something thats being tauted to ‘smaller teams’ and not the large corporate companies?

      There’s a lot more info about Live Arcade I’m sure. I’ve not looked for it, but I’ve heard several people talking about it and the process and I know for a fact they’re not licensed developers.[/quote:445bc965a9]

      As far as i can see the only people developing live arcade games are developers already on other platforms.

      bizarre creations = geometry wars
      blitz = burger king and many more.

      Think the tout of live arcade is its cheaper than full dev, so good for small companies. if you want to develop as a hobbyist hoping to publish, xna creators club via peers review is what you want i think.

      As for lots of info on arcade, i dont think so.. Anything i’ve read has always been through NDA stuff and official docs

    • #40538

      I guess they are just pitching it to current developers in order to get it off the ground?

      Although from the GDC footage I saw it looks like the unlicenced one man developers are getting the exposure they need. games like Fez and dishwasher look great. Time will tell I guess

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