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    • #5887
    • #35835

      I am highly unimpressed with said link.

    • #35836

      OK I’ve no speakers in the office…am I missing something or is that it?

    • #35837

      Post it up again in 27 days…

    • #35838

      Not many brands can get away with that. Cocky as hell. I love it! :P

    • #35870


    • #35926

      yeah, i’m sligthly leaning toward thinking GTA can’t get away with being that cocky.

      i predict that it will go the way of the C&C franchise.

    • #35929

      I hear that Rockstar want to make the world Three times the size of GTA:SA. Not sure if that’s a good idea as a lot of SA was wasteland with nothing in it. The PS2 had trouble loading all the content as well (i died quite a few times by crashing into invasable trees) the Xbox version was a bit better. Cant wait to get this for my 360 though.

    • #35930

      yeah, i’m sligthly leaning toward thinking GTA can’t get away with being that cocky.

      i predict that it will go the way of the C&C franchise.[/quote:afd7098637]

      GTA 4! Thats a gauranteed seller if there ever was one.

      I hear that Rockstar want to make the world Three times the size of GTA:SA. Not sure if that’s a good idea as a lot of SA was wasteland with nothing in it. The PS2 had trouble loading all the content as well (i died quite a few times by crashing into invasable trees) the Xbox version was a bit better. Cant wait to get this for my 360 though.[/quote:afd7098637]

      May be the other way round this time with the PS3 with more power than the 360.

    • #35931

      GTA 4! Thats a gauranteed seller if there ever was one.

      On the PS3 it is but it’s probably going to be launching fairly close to Halo3 on the 360 which will affect it’s sales on that platform. Any Xbox fan who can only afford one of the two is most likely going to go for Halo 3

    • #35932

      yeah, i’m sligthly leaning toward thinking GTA can’t get away with being that cocky.

      i predict that it will go the way of the C&C franchise.[/quote:fb54737f62]

      GTA 4! Thats a gauranteed seller if there ever was one.

      I hear that Rockstar want to make the world Three times the size of GTA:SA. Not sure if that’s a good idea as a lot of SA was wasteland with nothing in it. The PS2 had trouble loading all the content as well (i died quite a few times by crashing into invasable trees) the Xbox version was a bit better. Cant wait to get this for my 360 though.[/quote:fb54737f62]

      May be the other way round this time with the PS3 with more power than the 360.[/quote:fb54737f62]

      Not saying the PS2 version was bad i realy enjoyed. But the 360 does have a better GPU than the PS3, and undefined RAM. I wont go into the Core V Cell eather. But this isnt the place for Console wars.

      I was happy to hear that it looks like GTA will use some of the tec that the new Star Wars game is useing.I think the combo of Halo 3 and GTA 4 on the 360 at more or less the same time will do wonders for console sales. I

    • #35933

      I sounded like a Sony fanboy there, didnt i? Im not really :) Ill buy a 360 or PS3 but only in about a year when things are a bit clearer.

    • #35934

      I sounded like a Sony fanboy there, didnt i? Im not really :) Ill buy a 360 or PS3 but only in about a year when things are a bit clearer.[/quote:1b1b030e77]

      lol. Dont worry I am a bit of a Xbox Fan boy my self. I loved the PS1 but PS2 lost it for me been a Xbox gamer ever since (all though i enjoy DS, PC and the odd Wii game as well).

      But being a Fan boy isnt a great way to get into the industry so i keep an open mind when it comes to games development.

      GTA will be great or crap on both platforms dont think there will be any difference between the versions.

    • #35938

      the 360 does have a better GPU than the PS3, and undefined RAM. [/quote:3c290c7327]

      Statements like that are slightly grey, it’s not as simple as in the case of a PC you’re dealing with two completely different architectures. My guess is you’re going by the number of shaders (48 unified shaders in the 360, compared to 32 in the PS3(24 pixel 8 vertex)) But still it depends on the operations, graphically we won’t see the PS3 hit its peak for a number of years…. god I sound like Dave Perry(at least a poorer version)

    • #35939

      They are also using the RAGE animation engine they developed for the 360 table tennis game for the characters. So at least that’s one definite change for the better

    • #35937

      Statements like that are slightly grey, it’s not as simple as in the case of a PC you’re dealing with two completely different architectures. My guess is you’re going by the number of shaders (48 unified shaders in the 360, compared to 32 in the PS3(24 pixel 8 vertex)) But still it depends on the operations, graphically we won’t see the PS3 hit its peak for a number of years…. god I sound like Dave Perry(at least a poorer version)[/quote:89c9858ad5]
      Well he’s actually generally right – certainly it depends on the operations, but the RSX vertex unit is very underpowered compared to the Xenos. Having the eDRAM on Xenos saves framebuffer bandwidth, leading to more bandwidth for other data compared to the RSX having to share the same bandwidth for everything (makes quite a difference when it comes to AA and other framebuffer effects). Add to this the Xenos’ unified shader approach and other RSX issues which I’m not sure if I’m allowed talk about, and overall the Xenos comes out on top fairly easily.

      I dunno what ‘undefined RAM’ means though.

    • #35941

      I dunno what ‘undefined RAM’ means though.[/quote:ace66ca8ef]

      It means that the PS3 which uses defined has 256MB RAM locked to this GPU and 256MB RAM locked to this CPU. But the 360 developers can use more RAM where they need it for example A developer could use 300MB RAM for the GPU and 212MB RAM for the CPU if they where doing some high end graphical stuff or the other way around etc. It just means the developer can get that extra bit of RAM to one or the other if they need it. A lot of the PS3 hardware was off the shelf.

    • #35943

      Well that’s not actually true; both memory areas are available to both the RSX and the Cell, with various caches that help reduce latency and sometimes actually make it more efficient to be able to read data from both memory banks in parallel. As usual, it’s all about how you use the resources.

    • #35944

      Well that’s not actually true; both memory areas are available to both the RSX and the Cell, with various caches that help reduce latency and sometimes actually make it more efficient to be able to read data from both memory banks in parallel. As usual, it’s all about how you use the resources.[/quote:98b5a21b02]

      Aye. Read an article about that a while ago.. though the article stated there was considerable slow down when utilizing both, however it was the Inquirer so I’d be more inclined to believe you.

    • #35946

      They are also using the RAGE animation engine they developed for the 360 table tennis game for the characters. So at least that’s one definite change for the better[/quote:ba8cb5e39a]A change for the better from GTA:3/VC/SA? It’d want to be. Animation’s moved on since then, y’know. Check out the latest Crysis demo videos for an idea of where it’s at. And that’s just where it’s at now. Registration curves are on the way soon…

      I absolutely loved the GTAs up ’til SA. But I’m starting to get that jumping the shark feeling about the franchise. I’d love to be proved wrong, but I think it’s another case of a publisher and a developer who’ve burned several too many bridges and people on the meteoric rise before a spectatatsrophic fall.

    • #35947

      Personaly all though i though GTA 3 was great i liked Vice City the most out of them all….. so far.

    • #35949

      I think SA just tried to do too much and ended up doing a lot of things only by half. Vice City seemed to hit the best balance between freedom and story driven.

    • #35951

      They are also using the RAGE animation engine they developed for the 360 table tennis game for the characters. So at least that’s one definite change for the better[/quote:fd93ddf41f]A change for the better from GTA:3/VC/SA? It’d want to be. Animation’s moved on since then, y’know. Check out the latest Crysis demo videos for an idea of where it’s at. And that’s just where it’s at now.[/quote:fd93ddf41f]

      I know it’s obviously moved on…but they have been stuck using the same animations since GTAIII in every game. And maybe just threw a few new ones in every year.

      I hope it isn’t rushed, does anyone know how long Rockstar develops the GTA games for? And it needs an entire overhaul, so I hope it’s finished right.

    • #35952

      AFAIK, they have moved away from Renderware to their own engine and it has some nice middleware in there too. I am quote interested in it and I am not the worlds biggest GTA fan.

    • #35961

      Yup, Renderware is gone. Think that was a big thing with getting the PSP games up and running, the need to get Renderware out of the existing engine. Not certain, was wasn’t SA written without Renderware?
      GTA4 will have been on the books since SA left the building so it should have had a long dev time.

    • #35965

      I think with EA buying up Criterion, the makers of Renderware, Take 2 took issue with the fact that their huge franchise would be helping out the competition.

      Be curious to see how the Rage engine handles multi cityscapes. Table Tennis character models were super nice, but I think its a bit naive to expect a city full of characters to have that same detail. So it’ll be interesting to see the balance struck.

      Seems like multiplayer and destructible environments are about the only two I can think of that would make some back of the box bullet points. I remember when they were releasing Vice City and San Andreas, some were calling them gta 4 & 5, but Rockstar kept saying how they are chapters of the same incrementation.

      So hopefully there will be some new ground, especially with the increased competition in the "sandbox city" genre.

    • #35966

      I think with EA buying up Criterion, the makers of Renderware, Take 2 took issue with the fact that their huge franchise would be helping out the competition. [/quote:4ff772a839]
      That and the fact that EA weren’t offering support for Renderware and now the rumour is, they’re not even using it :)

    • #36134

      oooh 7 days, auck I cannae wait :shock:

    • #36139

      oooh 7 days, auck I cannae wait :shock:[/quote:4e8c620c67]
      It’s going to suck more than an Italian at a spaghetti eating contest.

    • #36270

      Trailer to go live tonight…

    • #36289

      Well….I’ll have a look tomorrow…seems to be a new york type city

      R* site is so slow as to be unusable is up and down..getting hammered, d/l speed too slow for me.

      torrent is available:

    • #36290

      It’s up at too.

      It’s New York alright. Well "Liberty City", but it’s New York. Looks very nice.

    • #36291
    • #36293

      The day GTA IV is released is the day I’ll be investing in the 360. I wonder when the next snippets of info will be released…

    • #36295

      booo thats more a teaser than a trailer :p

    • #36297

      looks nice.

    • #36298

      The Philip Glass score / timelapse cityscape is a clever homage to Godfrey Reggio’s Qatsi trilogy, specifically Koyaanisqatsi:

    • #36312

      …..the unpronounceable

    • #36322

      I was impressed with the trailer until I saw the same old character models with milk cartons for heads. Grrr…

    • #36396

      oooh 7 days, auck I cannae wait :shock:[/quote:02e1c24bcf]
      It’s going to suck more than an Italian at a spaghetti eating contest.[/quote:02e1c24bcf]

      Looks like you were wrong.

      I’ve hated the games the followed III, so hopefully this is something new. I play III on my PSP daily. There was no in-game stuff shown, so hopefully they focussed on that and that is even more impressive. I’ll be picking up a 360 for this and Halo.

    • #36397

      yeah, i’m sligthly leaning toward thinking GTA can’t get away with being that cocky.

      i predict that it will go the way of the C&C franchise.[/quote:fe9b32ed7e]

      Of course the main difference between C&C and GTA is the true C&C (not Generals) games are actually fun to play. I’ve even been pleasantly suprised by C&C 3 so far.

      GTA 1 & 2 were fun. The rest are probably most boring games I’ve ever played.

    • #36398

      So because of the humongousity of the almighty blu-ray disc,
      do you think that that they can fit IV on a single dual layer DVD? or will there be like a disc per island or something on the 360.

      I know the levels are mostly just geometry and maths, and they can get those .gta files pretty damn small, and that the cut-scenes are in-engine, but surely all of the textures, music, and tons of content might just creep over the 9GB mark?

      Tiberium wars is awesome! Although not as good as STALKER.

      I’m not buying Halo 3 btw

    • #36399

      Tiberium wars is awesome! Although not as good as STALKER.[/quote:7af9f32fd2]

      Can’t wait to play STALKER, I’m after buying it and all. Just no time or hard disk space….. :(

    • #36400

      I have my reservations about halo3 too. The ending to halo2 was the most annoying ending to a game in recent memory and the limited edition dvd was rubbish, I mean do I really want to see the developers playing volleyball? The game was funish but I think they broke the balance of the game with the battle riffle that could only fire in bursts and the grenade launcher just didnt seem to work that well. Maybe it was added for the multiplayer, a weapon that it takes a while to master, but in single player I rarely used it. Halo 3 will probably get great reviews, sell by the truck load and I probably will cave and get it but I’m not expecting it to be anything more than a nice distraction for a weekend.

    • #36402

      So because of the humongousity of the almighty blu-ray disc,
      do you think that that they can fit IV on a single dual layer DVD? or will there be like a disc per island or something on the 360.

      I know the levels are mostly just geometry and maths, and they can get those .gta files pretty damn small, and that the cut-scenes are in-engine, but surely all of the textures, music, and tons of content might just creep over the 9GB mark?

      Tiberium wars is awesome! Although not as good as STALKER.

      I’m not buying Halo 3 btw[/quote:d6d66c1ac4]

      Have they confirmed they are using a bluray disc?PS3 Games don’t neccesarily have to be on a blu-ray, do they?

      I feel the opposite way to JohnMonkey. I thought Halo 2 was bloody mediocre but I like the ending because at least it got a reaction out of me…I knew there was going to be a cliff-hanger a few minutes before and when the screen went black I just laughed. I don’t mind waiting till November for a conclusion.

    • #36403

      I presume sony would prefer if they did use the blu-ray’s!

      The only Halo I’ve played is the demo for halo one I think? The one where the black guy is at the end and he’s all "thank you for playing the Haaalooo demo." And you just play the figure 8 shaped map with capture the flag. Futuristic FPS’s that aren’t unreal just aren’t my cup of tea. Give me a bolt action rifle any day!

    • #36404

      So because of the humongousity of the almighty blu-ray disc,
      do you think that that they can fit IV on a single dual layer DVD? or will there be like a disc per island or something on the 360.

      I know the levels are mostly just geometry and maths, and they can get those .gta files pretty damn small, and that the cut-scenes are in-engine, but surely all of the textures, music, and tons of content might just creep over the 9GB mark?

      Tiberium wars is awesome! Although not as good as STALKER.

      I’m not buying Halo 3 btw[/quote:0268506119]

      Think you’ll find that 9gb mark i closer to about 7.4 isnt it? Im sure they’ll fit it in alright on one dvd, cant see ms letting them ship multi disc, swapin\out when you want to revisit islands, that would be crap.

    • #36405

      4.7GB per layer
      9.4GB total

      Obviously, there are some overheads for filing system and so on, but I’d expect them to be fairly insignificant.

      I think they’d have to be chucking all their regional assets on one disk or something to pass the DVD limit.

    • #36406

      4.7GB per layer
      9.4GB total

      Obviously, there are some overheads for filing system and so on, but I’d expect them to be fairly insignificant.

      I think they’d have to be chucking all their regional assets on one disk or something to pass the DVD limit.[/quote:4929837af8]

      Doesnt work like that gus, the 2nd layer doesnt hold as much. quick google puts it closer to 8.5 and i think i recently read that actually 7.4 is only available to use. As for multi region stuff you could easily do that with blu -ray not so easy with dvd 9 i reckon, especially if the audio is localised which i suspect it will be. They’ll probably opt for multiple sku’s

    • #36433

      Yeah I can’t see them opting for disc swapping just to accomadate a few more square feet of in-game environment…I think we can all agree that it will be on one disc, and there is 0% chance they will opt for a disc swap, just to have a larger city. If they release a multi-disc set (with discs needing to be swapped for other islands or whatever) I’ll eat my hat.

      I know it all looks really impressive, but these guys blew me away before with III, and then when they fit III on a PSP. Rockstar know what they are doing :)

    • #36434

      According to a preview I read today, the map is slightly smaller than San Andreas.

    • #36435

      What preview is that?

    • #36437

      Will post it when I get into work, it’s on the company forum.

    • #36440

      Here it is.

    • #36441

      sounds like its going to be a great game if they pull it off. ill be buying on oct 16th.

    • #36442

      Yep I’ll get it too

    • #36447

      Thats and super mario paper are the only 2 things on my must have list this year. Does any1 have a release date for paper over here?

    • #36449

      oes any1 have a release date for paper over here?[/quote:371e745a4b]
      Wikipedia says no :(

    • #36451

      Computer says no!


    • #36452

      Computer says NO!!!

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