Home Forums General Discussion Jason Rubin’s DICE speech

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    • #3045

      Get it!

      Very, Very Cool…huge file though


    • #10969

      Listening to it at the moment…definitelly worth a listen

    • #10970

      Good speech, he is quite charismatic

      This speech has kicked off alot of debate in work with us, quite a few folk feel that he is too egotistical.

      Since I can t really think straight today (wonder why…) and just put some quick thoughts:

      I think that developers should be represented by agents that negoitate with publishers.

      Having individual dev staff (animators, programmers etc) with agents is a thing that shouldn’t happen….but probably will.

      (Sorry I just picked this small thing to talk about….I can t really gather my thoughts properly)

    • #12460

      Chat with the man:


      The publisher is paying them well so that they can apply the value they create to the publisher “brand” instead of the individual. Frankly, I don’t believe publisher brand can mean any more in the Video Game industry than it does in Hollywood. Universal Pictures has always published everything from crap to cream movies; Vivendi Universal will always publish everything from crap to cream games. But it is certain that when the unknown director tries to get a better gig they won’t be able to compete against those that fought all along for publicity. [/quote:40c2dabdc8]

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