Home Forums Soap Box Kinect

  • This topic has 18 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #7827
    • #46186

      Couldn’t give a shit about it, can do without more novelty wii-style party games

    • #46187

      I think that, despite it’s gaming target, the aim in the long term could be more to transform the XBOX into a Digital Media Center for families.

      It’s true, in the beginning the selling ratio will be low, but then people will start talking about it, how amazing it is (you can surf your media collection just with waving your hand!) and maybe other people will buy it. To be honest I don’t see Kinect affecting too much the way most current gamers are playing games, but still it’s a wonderful piece of technology.

      I’d say give it some time.

    • #46189

      Time isn’t something that is given though is it.
      Look at the wii motion plus, no games use it because no one is bother to develop for a small proportion of the market.
      I have some seriously interesting ideas of how you could use Kinect, but they are several years off and require extra tech.
      Kinect games will be a small proportion of market as many of the current games genres cannot be played with it, however, if the finesse is there an interesting RTS could be done!
      If the plan is to transform the xbox into a media centre, why not just concentrate on that and veer away from "Eye Toy" games that seems to be being developed now?

    • #46201

    • #46224

      i had the chance to try this out in the u.s. a few weeks ago.

      yes, for hard core gamers its hard to see the use for this item especially when we are conditioned to using a controller or keyboard however…

      its pretty clever, the camera ‘tracks’ you through the use of a motorised pivot. This is great when using the cam to ‘chat’ over xbl or MSN. It is fantastic with media too, music and film are a joy to control.

      there was some lag in some launch titles but in other (ubisoft) its very fast. Personally, using the cam within games with a controller is a plus for me.

      Having RB charaters follow me on screen and do what i do…
      calling a menu within a game with a vocal call or movement action
      Mass effect 3 noticing my smile or frown rather than choosing a response from a list etc..

      there are so many applications ….

      TBH 130 E isnt a vaste amount considering the tech.. it works with a pc too

    • #46228

      it works with a pc too[/quote:a57192b84a]

      In what capacity.

      To be honest 130 is steep but the 4GB kinect boxset they have planned is actually reasonable enough. Casual gamers probably wont need more than 4GB, and if they do theres the USB option.

    • #46229
    • #46230
    • #46231

    • #46232

      Same for me, but casual gamers will have had to have figured LIVE in order to get at their games in the first place.

      Once on their there’s a lot of easy access media content. I thin in the US you can even use Hulu through the service

    • #46233

      personally i use the xbox to stream via my ipod, zune, pc’s and flash pens. I view 90% of my films, programs and music through it. I also use the MSN function alot. The kinect will allow audio msn as well as video chat on xbox ( and pc) as well as voice and gesture control for all media..

      "Xbox, play Mumford and Sons"

      xbox plays mumford and sons…sweet.

      yes 150 euro might seem alot for a fancy webcam but then, you dont HAVE to buy it..

    • #46234

      yes 150 euro might seem alot for a fancy webcam but then, you dont HAVE to buy it..[/quote:ba8d746a80]
      Exactly, but if you don’t have to buy it, why would anyone buy it and if no one buys it no-one develops for it, and it dies.
      Where’s the big sell to make you WANT to buy it.

    • #46235

      my ‘big sell’,

      metal gear rising, starwars connect, msn chat….

      as well as audio controls on my music and film.

      facial recog sign in…

      oh and kung fu via ubi’s gym thingy

    • #46236

    • #46237

      well if it was 150 for one game or application.. id say no.

      but 150 spread over a few years and dozens of games.. then yes.

      i remember when a steering wheel cost 60 punts and games cost 74.99 euros..

      that said, im an early adoptor, so im a sucka for things i want on release :)

      come november i’ll be picking up a kinect and xbox ‘squat’ bundle and acting like a twat in my living room for at least 2 hours…

    • #46238

      metal gear rising, starwars connect, msn chat….
      as well as audio controls on my music and film.

      facial recog sign in…

      oh and kung fu via ubi’s gym thingy[/quote:f968053112]
      I’ve actually not seen any of them advertised. Win for MS advertising campaign.

      There’s no killer app to make people want it, just a few littles things that people might want. If it doesn’t hit the mass market immediately, no one will be developing for it as it there is no money developing for it.

    • #46239

      true, the marketing for kinect in ireland and the Uk is weak at best.. however, i was in the U.S last month for a few weeks and they are ALL over the TV. Theres a strong ‘marmite’ feel their between ‘core’ gamers and casual. Game stop expects great sales over there.

      the ‘lol’ of it for me is ‘core’ gamers.. most sites are saying core gamers wont want this item. But the wii offers much the same experience (without voice, body and facial recognision) and we all know how well that did.

    • #46245

      marketing for the launch, and functions is quite poor.

      Theres more info on this thread then i’ve seen anywhere in mainstream media.

      As for whether i’m buying i’ll wait to trial the ps3 clone.

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