It looks really good. The free running is by far the best I have ever scene in any game. I love the first person view, never been done before for this type of thing.[/quote:3e7dcc479f]
I really hope it more than a gimmick, because to tell ya the truth i wasent over impressed by the video. Graphics look good, but its UR3 so its expected. Also from the reviews i read they spent a huge amount of time modelling physical attributes of the character (load on strongest leg, gate etc) so they could achieve the effect. Although to me from the video i wonder if some hackary and some well place models of legs,arms might have achieved the same effect.
But this game alone relaying on this effect i dont think will fly, considering the amount of fps’s coming.
bioshock 2, gow 2( to a lesser extent fps but it will take from fps games on sale round then), resistence 2 etc.