They rented office space in Tijuana, equipped it with eight PCs and a T1 line, and hired three shifts of unskilled Mexican laborers to do what most employers would have fired them for: playing online computer games from punch-in to quitting time. The games they were required to play were Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot, two of the most popular massively multiplayer role-playing games online. As the workers sat mouse-clicking virtual trolls to death, their characters acquired skills and gold at a brisk, assembly-line pace. For this, Black Snow paid the Mexicans piecework wages — then turned around and sold the high-level characters and make-believe money on eBay…[/quote:077962037c]
Surely an Irish person could be doing this job too?
Nah I dont have time for that level (sic) of commitment. I had a hard time making clan practices for FPS games so there is no way I can play many many hours on a MMOG
know what you mean, I haven’t touched a game in 2 weeks, but then it’s always the same in the summer for me. Winter will bring me back to life. Halo2. HL2, Doom3….you know.
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