have the results of a poll on the 2009 tech people can not wait for.
Most of the stuff is no suprise, but #1 is a bit of a misnomer. Can anyone shed light on "3D TV/Gaming?"
I mean, am I finally getting VR stuff, straight out of Johnny Mnemonic, or anyone remember Michael Douglas’ VR document library in his movie Disclosure?
They’ve been promising me that for a while now, and I still haven’t had the chance to go all out TRON…
Most Anticipated Technology in 2009
* 01 3D TV/Gaming
* 02 Wii MotionPlus
* 03 iPhone
* 04 DSi
* 05 New Xbox Experience
* 06 PlayStation 3
* 07 New Wii peripheral
* 08 Android
* 09 DX11
* =10 New PlayStation 3 controller
* =10 Digital distribution
* =10 id’s Tech 5