i wonder if longhorn will have tabs….. would not suprise me, MS steal there best ideas, cough* Mac OS cough*
i read that the rate at which firefox is expanding is slowing down. also i.e has 88% and firefox has 6% of the market, but on our forums 26.4 % use firefox and 65.4 % use i.e. 6
A lot depends on the audience. Something like Game Development is something of a “techie” area so naturally on average we’d know more about technology, such as an alternative web browser, then you’re average web surfer.
For you IE users… http://www.anandtech.com/news/shownews.aspx?i=24381
Theres always a catch isnt there, but as one person already commented, “if tabbed browsing was IEs only problem they wouldnt be losing so many users to FF”.