We have just put online our new web-site including some trailers from the Star Cave Launch last month. We got bigger versions of the trailers going online in the next few days along with the live video recording of the launch and whole day (end of the week).
The corp site will go online later along with more improvements to this new site. Game news (& Summer Internship news) in StarCave will be released in the near future. Feedback on the website would be cool!
Love the new site. Personally I found the font a bit on the small size, but other than that it seemed to adhere to the tried-and-tested HCI / UI design guidelines.
If I had to sum it up in one word, I think it would be…”Cosmic.”
Oh, and I couldn’t help but notice a lack of a Recruitment, Jobs, Work Placement section…
Thanks Jediboy for the feedback :)
The reason we didnt include these sections is cause the site is our front-end user version where our corp site (yet to go online) will include all these sections and more.