Indeed, while alot of people complain about the content of movies based on video games, funnily enough the complaint I hear most often is that they are just really throw away titles with little in the way of character development and rely on flashy effects and mediocre dialog…Doom 3 or Res Evil anyone? :D
I didnt think the second film was that bad… started to lose the plot towards the end but other then that it was pretty close to the games[/quote:0cc13b4510]I agree. With the exception of the Nemesis, it wasn’t half bad for a bubble gum movie
i know hes getting a lot of flack for aVp but i dont think he did a bad job on res evil 2 at all… totally over the top stuff and that suits it grand… sure its not going any oscars but highly entertaining all the same… looking forward to the next 2 films :lol: