This week London’s computer games events, both trade and public, will combine under the name London Games Week. The events, which include GDCE, ECTS and the PlayStation Experience will run until Saturday the 30th of August. We’ve compiled a quick rundown of the events and some of the games, which will be in London during the week.

GDCE 2003
Date: 26-29 August
Location: Earls Court, London
Restrictions: Trade Only

Games Development Conference Europe is the largest event of its kind in Europe; its aim is to provide a place for networking to share ideas and to promote the making of better games.

Of interest to newly set up as well as aged developers is “Grow or Die: Does Size Really Matter?” which sees a host of speakers discuss the problems facing small “basement” developers to larger companies who are more interested in making money then “great” games and how the industry needs small and large studios, Tony Van, who has worked on Die Hard, Star Wars: Rebel Assault and CSI: Crime Scene Investigation among other, speaks about licenses; what games are appropriate and how to get the most out of a license and David Wessman will talk about relationship between all parts of game development teams as well as testers, marketing and the publisher; his session will include individual and team motivation, efficient design, tools and overcoming egos.

The less serious aspects of GDCE will see the high profile Peter Molyneux battle against Gary Pennin in a “deathmatch” debate on their view of the industry, as well as “Are You Game?”, described as a cross between the BBC’s Test The Nation and a pub quiz, it gives attends the chance to test their computer game knowledge against a panel of well known developers.

Far more serious Naughty Dog’s Jason Rubin is to make the point that gamers will no longer care about graphics, that the time for graphics on their own selling games is over.

Other topics include Intellectual Property Rights in Game Development, Learning AI & Game Development, Localization For Maximizing Audience, Need for Hard Retail Statistics for Mobile Gaming, Preparing for and Transitioning to Next Generation Platforms, Developing PC expansion packs, Game Credit Standards, Game Design Pattern. Also taking place will be sponsored Tutorials from Nvidia, Intel, Microsoft for Windows developers and Xbox for Unsigned Developers.

ECTS 2003
Date: 27-29 August
Location: Earls Court, London
Restrictions: Trade Only

Although less floor space is available then last year because the growth of the PlayStation Experience (see below), ECTS is returning with the backing from large publishers: EA, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Atari (Infograms), Vivendi, and Nokia among others will have some presence, from Sony with their PlayStation Experience to Nintendo parking a truck outside.

Anyone who wasn’t at E3 and missed the chance to see the Halflife 2 in-game video footage (or just sinfully missed it) will be happy to know that they’ll have another chance at its European debut at ECTS.

Nintendo parked truck with its “extended trailer” will boost forty consoles. Gamecube games will include The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords and for the first time a completed Mario Kart: Double Dash, while new GBA titles as well as GBA – GameCube connectivity will be on display.

A new developer – publisher element of ECTS is Games Market which will give developers with un-signed games the chance to meet pre determined publishers within an invitation only environment. Games Market runs on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th.

Other games to be shown at the event with video footage are Driver 3 and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, while Breed, Broken Sword 3, FIFA, Lord of the Rings, Judge Dredd, MOH Rising Sun, Pro Evo 3, Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes and others will be present in some form.

PlayStation Experience
Date: 28-31 August
Location: Earls Court, London
Restrictions: Ticket Only [£6 in advance, £8 on the door]

After last years successful PlayStation Experience it again returns, only to grow larger in floor space and longer by a day then its trade only equality.

This ticket only event sees Sony and third party developers showing upcoming games to the public; last year the Getaway and the Eye Toy made their first appearance inside the Experience’s walls. In the near future the PSExperience format is expected to be exported to other European countries.

London Games Week also includes the Develop Awards and Game Charity Ball processes of which will benefit Entertainment Software Charity (ESC), both are set to sell out.

Author bio: Cian Ginty is the Editor of Ireland’s online computer games publication