Time: 08.30 – 10.30 on Thursday 20th November 2003
Place: Rooms 1 & 2, Enterprise Ireland, Merrion Hall, Strand Rd., Sandymount, Dublin 4
Speaker: Dr Carol O’Sullivan, Department of Computer Science Trinity College Dublin
Quality Assurance for Interactive Animation
The fifth in a series of breakfast events organised by Enterprise Ireland.
The Image Synthesis Group (ISG) was established in 1993 to pursue research in all aspects of Computer Graphics and Visual Computing. Headed up by Dr Carol O’Sullivan the group currently have 16 full-time researchers and have been extremely successful in securing research funding for projects since the group was founded, with particular areas of speciality being graphics and perception real-time computer animation, photo-realistic rendering and parallel graphics. Former members of the group have founded the Irish gaming software company havok.com. For further information: http://isg.cs.tcd.ie/http://isg.cs.tcd.ie/
Registration: htm/informatics/htm/informatics/