Title: ‘Play With Your Mind’
Date: Saturday 28th-Sunday 29th February 2004.
Location: Broadway Cinema, Nottingham, UK

Among the events planned for Screenplay 2004 are:

*Regain The Game:
A new competition looking for creative proposals to rethink the video
game. Flyers have already been distributed for this worldwide requesting proposals for ‘wild ideas that go way beyond a tweak to the old favourites.’ The finalists’ games will be available to play for one week leading up to the festival, at Broadway Cinema in Nottingham and on the web at:http://www.broadway.org.uk/www.broadway.org.uk.
The competition will be judged through live debate between industry figures, designers, artists and fans at the Screenplay Weekend.

The Australian artist will be demonstrating his new creation ‘The Prosthetic Head’ as a giant street projection outside the Broadway Cinema. The Head is a conversational agent with real-time lip-synch and facial expression capabilities. It is promised that it will even sing!
See .au/transfigure/flash.htm.au/transfigure/flash.htm

*The Old Skool:
A Desert Island big-screen games session online with Scott Adams, PC games creator. Live streamed in collaboration with Moon Radio webTV.
Visit Moon Radio webTV at:http://www.moonradio.co.uk/moonradio_new/index.phpwww.moonradio.co.uk

*Live performers Reactor present GHAOS-ZX – an exploration of virtual
reality through the medium of the egg box.

* E-Games Tournament – climactic finale of city-wide teen knockout on the giant screen.

* The first opportunity to have a look at the massive new online game Warhammer and interrogate its Nottingham-based programmers, Climax.

* Interactive EyeToy – trials of new performance pieces with artists
Sophia Lycouris and Johannes
Birringer from the Nottingham Trent School of Art and Design Digital Research Unit. http://davinci.ntu.ac.uk/rws/index.htmhttp://davinci.ntu.ac.uk/rws/index.htm

Games Fair – Games Design Course Marketplace and Recruitment Fair
where makers and students and teachers can mingle, learn and develop
their career directions.

* Replay – demos of cutting-edge research into new technology.

Plus more…..

For more information visit:http://www.broadway.org.ukhttp://www.broadway.org.uk