The Science Gallery at TCD will be hosting a seminar series on
Social Science and Innovation and asking could these seemingly strange bedfellows be the answer to connecting the need of the user to the innovation and creativity of the technology industry?

Many of the world’s leading technology companies and science institutions have already discovered the way forward for innovation has as much to do with the intangibles of the human experience as it does with algorithms, chips and design.

Using both sociologists and anthropologists, corporations are increasingly turning to designers who combine the insights of social scientists with scientific knowledge to transform creativity and research into innovation. Will emo-engineers and anthro-technologists be the buzzwords of the twenty-first century? We invite you to join the debate and listen as this line-up of world leading thinkers and practitioners discuss their international experiences and practices of innovation, design and social science.

Throughout the year, the INNOVATION INTERFACE SERIES aims to gather academics, policy makers, entrepreneurs and business people to kick start the debate between social science and innovation and to forge alliances leading to action.

2009 LINE UP


Navi Radjou – Tickets available now

Navi Radjou is the Executive Director of the Centre for India & Global

Business at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge


Maria Bezaitis

Maria Bezaitis is Director of People & Practices Research Intel Corporation

for more see