Where:Regent House in Front Square, Trinity College
Time: 12-5pm
The Centre for Research in IT in Education in Trinity College Dublin showcases their work on Thursday June 10 in Regent House in Front Square.
The event will include current projects by researchers in the Centre as well as students from the MSc (IT in Education) and will explore themes from primary and secondary education as well as the commercial sector.
Among the projects on demonstration will be:
*Drumsteps a music composition tool which was the focus of a recent BBC UK-wide completion culminating in a public performance with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra (the software is currently being deployed in 100 "computer clubhouses" around the world)
* Lego robotics for teaching children with learning difficulties and adults
*Transition year digital video
*Primary school children as "game designers"
*Creative applications for mobile phones and PDAs.
Further details including attendance form can be found at: