Category Archives: Academic

Posts in the Academic category

IT&T Conference

The 6th annual IT&T Conference is being held in the Institute of Technology, Carlow on October 25-26. A new addition to this year’s conference are technology workshops. One of the workshops is entitled “The Future of Games Development in Ireland” and will feature a moderated panel discussion on the topic,[...]

Computer Science And Illusion Talk

“Computer Science and Illusion: A Computational View of the Interpretation and Manipulation of Images” A presentation by Prof. Andrew Blake, Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research Cambridge. 7:30pm Wednesday 6th September Ernst Walton Theatre Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin Please visit: for more details. Presentation Abstract The Interaction, Simulation and Graphics (ISG) Lab[...]

Computer Games For Disabled Or Underrepresented People

Games development is perhaps one of the least explored areas of accessible design. A new aesthetics theme at the upcoming 9th International Computer Games Conference to take place in Dublin from 22nd to 24th November 2006, will provide an opportunity for contributors to address a broad range of questions in[...]

Digra Goes To Japan

The next Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) conference will be held in Tokyo during September 2007.

Dare To Be Digital Dates

Dare to be Digital in the Rep. of Ireland has now been confirmed and the full list of dates released. The key dates are: