The 13th annual Irish Human Computer Interaction conference (iHCI 2019) will take place on Friday 15th of November 2019 at NUI Galway.
Following on from last year’s memorable 12th anniversary conference in the University of Limerick, we are delighted to be able warmly welcome everyone to Galway – Ireland’s friendliest and most charming city.
Registration is free and now open. More details here:
We would like to invite you to this one-day event that will bring together leading voices from the field of HCI and provide an overview of HCI research in Ireland. Our intention and the ethos of the event is to give everyone the opportunity to engage, exchange ideas and participate.
As in every year, the conference will showcase leading research by researchers in Ireland, and by Irish researchers working internationally, with contributions also welcome from PhD students and early career HCI researchers.
The event will also include keynote talks from:
Professor Matt Jones, Swansea University, Wales; “The Robots are Coming – Be Afraid!”
Prof. Stephen Brewster , University of Glasgow; “Designing New Interfaces for Cars”
Rachel O’Donnell, Genesys; “HCI & UX: An Industry Perspective”
Call for Submissions
The Paper Presentation Track
The Paper Presentations Track is a showcase of work by researchers based in Ireland, as well as Irish researchers based internationally, that has been published in leading international HCI venues over the past year (from September 2018 onwards). Examples of venues including CHI, CSCW, ECSCW, PDC, DIS, MobileHCI, NordiCHI, IJHCS, TOCHI, IwC and other highly ranked international conferences and journals. The aim is to give the authors of such work the opportunity to share their research with an Irish audience. We invite submissions from all application domains relevant to HCI, including (but not exclusively): AI/Hybrid systems, Living Environments, Gaming, Education, Interaction Design / UX, Health and Aging, and Digital Health and Wellnesss. We also particularly encourage submissions from PhD students and early career HCI researchers in Ireland. A link to the paper as well as full paper details (title, presenter/author name, abstract, venue presented) should be submitted.
Authors of accepted presentations will be given a three minute presentation slot during the 3MR section of the symposium, or a ten minute presentation in the research presentation track. (Note that preference will be given to internationally published papers to the longer presentation slots, and early stage research to the three minute slots).
The Posters Track
The poster track is intended to display the depth and breadth of HCI research in Ireland and to provide a starting point for new conversations. We encourage submissions that focus on Human-Computer Interaction, broadly defined. A 250 word abstract should be submitted below.
Demo Session
This allows you to present your hands-on demonstration, share novel interactive technologies, and stage interactive experiences. We encourage submissions from any area of human computer interaction, games, entertainment, digital and interactive art, and design. We invite contributions from industry, research, startups, maker communities, the arts, and design. If you have an interesting prototype, device, system, exhibit or installation, we want to know about it.
Submit for any of the above tracks on
Deadline for submissions (for both tracks): 25 October 2019
(A notification of acceptance and finalisation of the draft programme schedule will follow, based on the number of submissions received one week later.)
Afternoon Design Clinic/Roundtable Session
We hope to introduce an afternoon design clinic / roundtable session back into the event, as per the original event back in 2007. These small group discussions will be facilitated by people with experience within these domains. The sessions may be grouped around a current problem (Design Clinic) or more generally around identifying, articulating, and exploring ill-defined or fuzzy challenges in these specific HCI research areas. They will involve active participation by all participants throughout the discussions as well as in the determination of potential future research directions and the generation of new insights arising from the discussions. Themes include:
*Gaming and Play
*Health, Wellbeing and Aging
*Living Spaces and Cars
*Interaction Design
*Artificial Intelligence and Hybrid Systems
*Novel Interactions
Register to attend
You can specify your interest in one of the above roundtable sessions when you register to attend