Xbox has announced that Live gaming has hit Ireland, with Xbox Live Starter Kits available at retail from October 30th. The Starter Kits contain an Xbox Voice Communicator headset that allows voice chat during play and from the Xbox Live Dashboard, a one-year subscription to the Xbox Live service, and Live-enabled demoversions of MotoGP and MechAssault.
Xbox Live is a broadband gaming service where gamers can simultaneously play, talk and build their legend across games and around the world. Competitors can connect, play and talk with each other during their game sessions – and with a growing Live community of over 500,000 gamers around the world, there’s a lot of
competition available.
There will be a total of 50 Live-enabled games available by the end of December, including:
Amped 2 (Microsoft Game Studios)
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six 3 (Ubi Soft)
Top Spin (Microsoft Game Studios)
XIII (Ubi Soft)
CounterStrike (Microsoft Game Studios)
Crimson Skies (Microsoft Game Studios)
Links (Microsoft Games Studio)
Magic: The Gathering (Atari)
Project Gotham Racing 2 (Microsoft Game Studios)
TOCA Race Driver (Codemasters)
Sega GT Online (Sega).
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (Activision)
Xbox Live is now available in 14 European countries. Ireland joins Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK.
The Official Xbox Live Launch will take place today at 3.30pm in Microsoft, The Atrium, Block B, Carmenhall Road Sandyford, Dublin 18.
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