has established that funding is now in place for a Dare to be Digital heat in the Rep. of Ireland.

While the official announcement has yet to be made indications are that the closing date for applications will be Apr 17th, with judging in Dublin on May 18th.

This is a very tight deadline so it is worth spreading the word and seeing if it is possible to reestablish teams and projects as soon as possible.

More discussion on this and no doubt dull details will be available soon on

And as Nifty pointed out on the forums

‘The deadline for the online submission for the republic of Ireland, that is the submission that determines whether or not you make the shortlist for the interview in May, is April 30th.

The site still says 17th on the submission form, but that is for other regions, namely scotland and Northern Ireland. The deadline for each region can be found on the important dates page of the site.’