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    • #3351

      So, Sat night, locked off my face, the usual good nights sleep.
      Only this Sat night I had something of a “melting pot” for game idea’s going on whilst I was asleep(at least I hope I was asleep….otherwise).

      I distinctly remember waking up at some point thinking ” Holy Shit why hasn’t anyone done this before”, before quietly drifting back off to never land…..ZZZzzzz. I should have written all this down…instantaniously, but alas the drink got the better of me, Damn drink!, in all there were several occasions where I awoke to a pelting idea thumbing around in my head, any other “sane” person would have shot me on sight had they witnessed the frightfully animated figure banging his head against the wall in a desperate attempt to stay awake……Damn drink!. What I can recall from my er…. premenitions are, somthing along the lines of Fable(oh christ this is making no sense whatsoever), something to do with music and assigning pictures to that certain melody(flashy lights and the sound of sirens approach), ah yes the basic premise was an RPG where at the begining you chhose your character, along with a portrait, then you proceeded to select a tune that would acompany you through-out your travels……Damn Drink!(Strange men wearing immaculate white coats enter the room, how strange)…………Damn Drink!

      My sincere apologies to anyone expecting anything near a normal post from the latter, I tried my best. Somthings are best left floating in the eternal abyss which is ofcourse my brain..


    • #13631

      I’m very scared right now…

    • #13632

      LOL :D

      Stay off them drugs dude…they’ll fry what’s left of yer brain :)

    • #13633

      LOL :D

      Stay off them drugs dude…they’ll fry what’s left of yer brain :) [/quote:cf18c15a92]

      Man, If I was on Drugs I’d be one of Satan’s minions at this very moment, deep in hell, for no other reason that i’m always complaining about God and his egotistical henchman “Heineken”

      Damn Drink!!!

    • #13635


    • #13636

      *twitch* *twitch*


      *CHUC! CHUC!……………….BOOM*

      *quick there’s another one*


      *oh wait….it’s only micheal Jackson*

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