Hi guys,
I’m in the process of putting together a few features before my summer is up and I have to return to the fold of education for my final year of my degree. Below is a list of potential ideas for these features, so if you have anything that you would like to add to them, or if there is a topic that you would like to see written about, please leave a post here:
1. Copyright issues: How to copyright digital media
2. Marketing Games: Mainly a focus on how to promote a title initially, as in the basic information you need. This will include how to write a press release, an introduction to market research, how to target your market, and dealing with journalists
3. Industry Facts & Figures: A collation of current facts and figures from the pc/console gaming scene. If some of the mobile developers on the forum have access to figures from the mobile gaming arena, please contact me. It will also include figures such as employment numbers (where available), online gaming subscribers and so on.
Anything else you want to see?
Feature Writer