Home Forums General Discussion Games you’ve bought but haven’t finished

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    • #3396

      It’s a really bad habit and one that i’ve gotten into lately, it is of course buying a game when I haven’t even finished my previous purchase.

      This summer alone I have bought Metal Gear on the cube(finished), Prince of Perisa on the cube(finished), but thats it everything else I have bought I haven’t finished:

      Mario and Luigi
      Harvest Moon
      BOF 2
      Fire Emblem
      FF X

      Anyway it’s a brutal habit and from now on I’m only buying a new game upon completion of my last(unless of course Halo 2/HL 2 or FF XI are released ahead of schedule)

    • #14128

      i think sony did released a report a few months ago, and the average gamer does not complete 80% of games they own!

      there r loads of games i have no completed, but the ones that annoy me the most r The Nomad soul (The david Bowie game)
      MSR (i suck at raceing games)
      Phantasy Star Online (after 50+ hours i realised i sold my MAG by mistake)
      Half Life (must get back to that one….. )

    • #14130

      You haven’t completed Half Life……shame on you. ;)
      You might as well wait until HL2 comes out because there will be a version of Half Life 1(using the source engine) bundled with it.

      I have bought plenty of games and not completed them. Most recently Soldier of Fortune 2.

    • #14134

      I’m the same i always do this, but mostly with games that die off towards the end.

      Final Fantasy 7 is the worst for me, I’ve played it right through to near the end three times, but never completed it.
      It’s easily the greatest storylined game I ever played, and couldn’t set it down when story was unfolding, all three times, but when the story dies off, and you have to go round building up HP I lost interest fast. (Final fantasy 10 – built the greatest blitz ball team ever, but then forgot the story and so couldn’t get back into it cause i couldn’t remember where i left off.) With 7 first time borrowed it from friend and got near end, but when I tould him how great it was he demanded it back. Second time it got right to the end of the story, then couldn’t beat one of the dragons things. Searched every for it couple of months ago again, bought it cause couldn’t borrow mates any more, and got stuck trying to get gold chocobo. Which becomes very annoying and resulted in me giving up on it, that and Call of Duty was it’s downfall. In fact think i’ll play it now, better starty all over again though.

    • #14135

      Call of Duty is a great game. Wipes the floor with Medal of Honor.

    • #14141

      Originally posted by Nooptical
      I have bought plenty of games and not completed them. Most recently Soldier of Fortune 2. [/quote:c2b8c0fb32]

      Eh?, what the hell did you but that for?…..rubbish. If your still gagging for an FPS Nooptical go get Escape from Butcher Bay on your X-Box, it’s quite good…and uses the same Bump Mapping technology that id used for Doom 3……ah Doom 3, what time is it?, one more go so.

    • #14158

      It was a budget release and I enjoyed the first one so I thought, what the heck, I’ll buy it. Didn’t enjoy it though.

      Escape from Butcher Bay looks great alright, although I might wait for a PC release(is it coming out on PC?)…..I’m not a big fan of playing FPS’s on consoles…..too used to my mouse and keyboard!

    • #14165

      easier for me to do it the other way around – out of the 150 – 200 games i own, i’ve probably only finished about 6 or 7 (sad, I know)

      these are:
      – Half Life
      – Max Payne 1
      – Max Payne 2
      – MOH Allied Assault
      – Age of Empires
      – Civilisation 3
      – Shogun: Total War
      – Medieval War: Total war
      – Call of Duty

      And am about to finish:
      – Far Cry
      – Doom 3

      ok, that’s more than 6 or 7… but still piss-poor!

    • #14168

      Escape from Butcher Bay looks great alright, although I might wait for a PC release(is it coming out on PC?)…..I’m not a big fan of playing FPS’s on consoles…..too used to my mouse and keyboard! [/quote:1825e25e7a]

      Indeed it is, Feb 2005 I think…. a PS2 port is also in the pipe-line but how there going to pull that off is beyond me.

    • #14174

      Oh my god!
      And Idora….shame on you!

      I’ve finished the majority of the games I own ( i think )
      I certainly try to anyway.
      Unfortunatelly due to my recently earning money, I now have several games that I need to work on.
      Finished Pokemon Colloseum at the weekend, haven’t got 100% yet though. Just got Metroid Prime yesterday, so thats my current project.
      Got Project Gotham Racing (struggling on it :( ) and Metal gear Solid (when I can deal with the controls ) to deal with to. Really should play Halo at some point too….

    • #14178

      I see you got metroid Prime Omen, good call that game is an excellent example of how to transfer a game from it’s original 2d incarnation to a fully fledged 3d monster.

      Try getting 100% though in your mission log, it’s really really hard, and the last Boss….oh tough.

    • #14185

      Played some of it before, and now that I’m more at ease with the joypad, I’m feeling more confident. Especially since I was told that Metroid Fusion was REALLY hard and I completed that.
      *looks at Ivan*

    • #14187

      . Especially since I was told that Metroid Fusion was REALLY hard and I completed that. *looks at Ivan* [/quote:b04b42a71d]

      Ya that ‘Nightmare’ Boss has acquired quite a reputation at this stage, Prime is in my opinion alot harder, not due to Boss encounters but rather some of the puzzles. anyway enjoy it.

    • #14214

      And Idora….shame on you![/quote:bef235f1f7] I know, I know… I ASPIRE to be hard-core, really I do…

    • #14217

      There’s a tutorial video with Ikaruga(for anyone familiar with the game)that show’s a Japanese player in action, if you ever want the definition of ‘Hradcore’ Idora, look at that. It’s mind boggling.

    • #14224

      Ikaruga, great game (go treasure). i saw that video were he completes the game in one life! i can’t get passed the second level!

    • #14229

      Ikaruga, great game (go treasure). i saw that video were he completes the game in one life! i can’t get passed the second level! [/quote:aef91aaa69]

      I can(finally) finish the game in one credit, in saying that though it’s on easy, can only get to the 4th LvL on Normal and lets not even talk about hard eh. But ya a great game, looking forward to Gradius V.

    • #14231

      I never finish the games… I’m never good enough or patient enough..

      but .. i do love the cinematics and credits.. the watching aspect is far more fun for me..

      soaking all the graphics and sounds up

      i’ll spend ages watching people play too… they are always loads better than me .. so i get to see more and hear more..

    • #14233

      It would have to be a damn good game for me to sit and watch someone play for hours, like Halo or something… but still to each his own.

    • #14236

      Some games, especially Blizzard games, I play long into the night, so I can kill the level boss in order to see the gorgeous cinematics.

    • #14239

      Some games, especially Blizzard games, I play long into the night, so I can kill the level boss in order to see the gorgeous cinematics. [/quote:9a4030cb95]

      Ya well Blizzard games are exceptional!, I remember the first time I saw the Warcraft 3 Intro, it was so good that I couldn’t wait to see the others so I just unziped the cinematics file in the Warcraft 3 folder and watched them in Media player!, the Orc ending is amazing, the pitlord is really well done.

    • #14240

      I just unziped the cinematics file in the Warcraft 3 folder and watched them in Media player!, [/quote:e95abd72e1]

      *bangs head off table*
      Never thought of that!
      I haven’t been able to finish it, cos I’ve updated using one of Blizzard’s patches and with it I can’t mount riders onto my hippogriffs. Mailed Blizzard about it and all they said was, “yeah, we know about that…”.

      Plus by the time I get to that level, there are quite a few enemies around so my computer is struggling with it. Doesn’t handle Frozne Throne well at all :(

      May go home and watch all of those videos I haven’t seen tonight :)

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