Speakers for forthcoming Serious games event in Derry have been announced.
See http://www.noribic.com/sga/default.asp?sec_id=6 for more
Professor. Paul E. Fullwood
Paul Fullwood has been appointed Professor and First Chair of Computer Games Technology at the University of Abertay – Dundee. He is the Director of IC-CAVE (the International Center for Computer Arts and Virtual Entertainment) an EU-funded video games research center. Paul is one of the founders of LoudWolf Holdings Ltd. He is also President and COO Digital Animation Inc. A founding partner of Edison Research Labs and chairman of The First Fruits Charities Inc. Formerly, Paul was Vice President, Head of World-Wide Studios for Hasbro Interactive also Vice President, Product Development for Lightspan Inc., and Founder and President of Accent Media Productions Inc.
Paul is a board member of various other companies. He is also a member of Senate for the University of Abertay.
David Wortley, Director, Serious Games Institute
David Wortley is Director of the Serious Games Institute (SGI) at Coventry University. He is responsible for the development of the Institute as a brand new self-financing initiative to establish a centre of excellence for the emerging serious games application area. Working with academics, regional development agencies and leading computer games companies, David aims to make the SGI a thought leader and focal point for games based learning, simulation and immersive 3D virtual environments.
David`s career began with a university scholarship from British Telecom to study electronic and electrical engineering at Birmingham University. After graduation, his commercial career has been spent in the converging technologies of telecommunications (British Telecom – where he also spent time as a Management Tutor at the BT Management Training College), computing (IBM – corporate sales), and digital media (Mass Mitec) with a focus on technology for competitive advantage, education and business communications.
Claus Nehmzow – PA Consulting
Claus heads up PA Consulting`s thinking in business applications of participatory media and virtual world like Second Life. He has almost twenty-five years experience in technology and strategy consulting as well as operational management experience.
Claus has broad international experience in global business development and consulting as well as from having lived for many years each in Germany, Switzerland, USA, and the UK. Claus was COO/ International Business Development director at mobile startup Shazam, Managing Director of Viant Germany, an Internet consultancy, Partner and Vice President at Booz-Allen Hamilton in London and New York, Senior Manager at accenture/Andersen Consulting. In Zurich, New York, London
Professor Lizbeth Goodman, SMARTlab Digital Media Institute, and Magic Gamelab
Dr Lizbeth Goodman is Professor of Creative Technology Innovation, and Founder/Director of the SMARTlab Digital Media Institute, and Magic Gamelab, based at the University of East London and at international sister sites globally. She is the Director of Studies for a large cohort of UEL`s practice-based PhD students Digital Media Performance Technologies: a team of professional new media artists, technologists, urban planners, and engineers conducting collaborative research into the transdisciplinary fields of technology development and art, e-health, e-inclusion, haptics and art-sci`. Her main fields of speciality are gender representation in the digital media (performance, film, moving image and games/virtual environments) and the creation of learning games developed WITH, not only for, people with disabilities and non-standard gamers`.
Lizbeth was previously founder and Director of the SMARTlab Centre at Central Saint Martins College of Art andamp; Design (2001-5). In an earlier incarnation, she founded and led the INMPR (Institute for New Media Performance Research) at the University of Surrey, following on from eight years leading the BBC Open University`s multimedia research teams in Shakespeare, Drama, Gender Studies and Literature. She has worked extensively for the BBC as a researcher, writer and presenter of Learning and Arts/Media: some of her pioneering work in multimedia perspective-driven drama and theatre games won awards and sold as bestsellers` through Routledge and BBC Worldwide in the 1990s. She is also a regular reviewer/validator for many independent courses, publishers and broadcasters, and for major funding bodies and award panels internationally. Professor Goodman won the Lifetime Achievement Award for volunteer service to women and children in 2003, and has just been named Microsoft Community Affairs Senior Research Fellow on Creative Technology Innovation.
Roo Reynolds, Metaverse Evangelist, IBM
Andrew (Roo) Reynolds is a Metaverse Evangelist based at IBM`s Hursley Park laboratory in the UK. He is part of a team which facilitates the use of Virtual Worlds within IBM. All of this work is made all the more enjoyable thanks to a large world-wide community who are learning to collaborate and get things done in totally new ways.
He was previously an Emerging Technologies Specialist in which his role included attempting to keep on the early-adopter curve. While acknowledging there are not enough hours in the day to claim to be an expert in everything, Roo still reads and writes far too many blogs and tries to keep his eyes open.andnbsp; He enjoys exploring and building in the metaverse that is Second Life, uploading his photos to Flickr, keeping his bookmarks on del.icio.us, updating his playlist on Last.fm tracking his location on Plazes and what he is doing on Twitter, as well as indulging in any number of other bleeding-edge alpha geek social software type activities. Roo is married to an artist, who tries her hardest to keep him balanced.