They had a stall at the london careers fair. A small desolate one man affair (actually he was one of the more pleasant guys I talked to there) down at the back of the hall. I went over to have a chat and when I asked weather they were hiring in the next few months I was told
" No, now that the new Burnout is finished the team is being redeployed to our other projects. So we are not hiring anyone at the moment" So I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the cuts come from there. Just a quick question though whats the point of putting up a stand at a CAREER FAIR if your not hiring!? You might argue that its to maintain the company profile but its EA for crying out load. We couldn’t ignore them if we wanted to.
The Fair its self was interesting and I got some useful information, but I heard a lot of people got a stock reply of "Go do QA for a while then come back to us" I’m not sure if thats because a lot of people were turning up that knew next to nothing about games production, or that some sections of industry really does have that much contempt for graduates. I’m not saying that was the attitude of the fair as a whole (The guys at SEGA, TEAM17 and Ubisoft were very very helpful and pleasant) but it happened enough that some of the people there left very depressed.