GAMES:EDU 06, an International conference for games education.

The conference, which takes place as part of the Games Develop Conference week in Brighton, UK on Friday 14th July, will feature representatives from Microsoft, EA, Codemasters, Activision, SCI/Eidios, Blitz Games and Climax [Ian Livingstone, Mark Johnstone, Fred Gill, Orla Byrne, Jolyon Webb and key directors from Climax).

GAMES:EDU 06 features a series of 3 interactive workshops entitled: ³The Skillset Sessions² these focus on disciplines that are currently being taught (Art, Game Design, & Programming) and how with industry involvement these disciplines can be better suited to industry needs, the overall aim being to develop the UK as the world¹s source of creative and innovative talent in the future for all forms of computer gaming.

For more information see

Games:Edu Day Pass £95 before 31st of May, After 1st June £110