Home Forums General Discussion Rockstar Says ‘F**k Casual Gaming’

  • This topic has 15 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 16 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #6709
    • #40969

      He loves the wii though.

    • #40970

    • #40971
    • #40972

    • #40973
    • #40974

      I’ve always thought of casual gamers as those who buy Wii Fit, Brain Training, Nintendogs.
      To me, Halo is a hardcore title that appeals to somewhat more casual gamers than the hardcore.

      Edit: I hope you’re not mis-understanding me Thane. I’m not saying Nintendo is a casual games company, I was giving examples of some of the most successful casual console games. It just happens to be that Nintendo publish those games, that’s all, it never crossed my mind that I was talking about Nintendo specifically.

    • #40975

    • #40976

      Haha I guess we both have different ideas of hardcore gamers. I think Halo is a walk over, the AI is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen.
      It’s pretty funny how almost everyone in the games industry thinks Nintendo means casual games. Anyone who thinks that obviously haven’t played Metroid.[/quote:881b3cb751]

      Halo has some very good AI. Sure they can’t drive very well but they do a lot of smart things.

    • #40977

    • #40978

      I like what Dan Houser says about narrative games. There seems to be alot flying around about games that are just fun, that games should just be interactive feasts rather than have any real narrative. To me story driven games are the ones that I remember the longest and have the most effect on me on many levels.

    • #40979

    • #40980

    • #40982

      My understanding of a ‘casual’ game is a game that someone can pick up and play very easily and for short periods of time. It is not a game that requires hours and hours of commitment before you begin to get any benefit out of it. It is something you can pick up, put down and come back to at your leisure. I don’t think casual games are neccesarily ‘cutesy’ in appearance or ‘dumbed down’ in any way- a lot of people seem to have this idea in their heads. If you have trouble agreeing with that statement, i’d encourage you to take a look at this article:

      Birdmen & the casual fallacy:


      It’s a lengthy read granted, but I think its one of the best articles I’ve seen to date on the subject and well worth a read.

      I’d actually class Doom on XBLA as a casual game, and Doom previously being seen as one of the most ‘hardcore’ games there is; god I hate that word ! Doom is the type of game where you can have a blast around a particular level, forget about it and then come back on another day to do the next level. At work for instance, Doom (along with Worms :) ) is one of the games we play for our mid-afternoon sessions. It’s perfect for a quick death-match or coop game with no strings attached.

    • #40986

    • #40988

      I’d have been surprised if Rockstar had said anything different. This is an area they excel at.

      Casual / Hardcore / Mass market. Think they are being a tad confused here and it would be fair to say that games enthusiasts are not really the best people to define. Having said that, I’ll give it a go!

      Hardcore game – overused term to define games that are very challenging or come with alot of preconceptions of how to play them thus making them best suited to the fans. Often the difficulty is getting to a skill level high enough to start enjoying the game.

      Mass market game – Anything that sells loads of games, duh, does not really define a game.

      Casual game – ease of access, from buying to "loading" to playing. Doesn’t mean they can’t be deep or challenging though. Many often are.

      Narrative has nothing to with any of these classifications and pops up depending on the game. Pheonix Wright to GTA to even god sims.

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